What is Compostable Packaging and its significance?

What is Compostable Packaging and its significance?

Looking for packaging options for your business that are environmentally friendly? No matter if you’re upgrading to an eco-friendly firm or switching to one, that is, biodegradable packaging is a beautiful, sustainable replacement for plastic! Learn about biodegradable packaging, its advantages, and the significance of this topic in this article. Compostable packaging is defined as materials that can be broken down at home or a commercial composting facility. Compostable mailers use plant material, such as maize, combined with compostable plastic, often referred to as poly(butylene adipate-co-terephthalate), to create this product. To compost and biodegrade quicker, PBAT develops a stiff yet flexible substance that feeds the soil with natural ingredients that are not poisonous. Plastic packaging, on the other hand, decomposes at a much slower rate of 3-6 months – the same rate as organic waste. It does not accumulate in landfills or the seas, which take centuries to degrade, and it does not pollute the atmosphere. Your customers or even you may see your customer’s biodegradable packaging decomposes right before them.

Possibility of escaping from plastic

Businesses and consumers are responsible for safeguarding the environment from rising plastic pollution as e-commerce plastic waste rises. Amazon, an e-commerce platform, posted third-quarter 2020 net sales of $96.2 billion, a 37% rise over the same time in 2019, according to vox.com. This upset environmentalists since the primary transportation materials are plastic packing and bubble wrap included with each delivery.

The use of biodegradable materials is critical to implementing environmentally friendly corporate strategies. Compostable packaging, for example, may be a simple solution to the present issue of plastic pollution. A new, environmentally-friendly transportation technique may emerge if more companies offer this option and more customers support firms that use it. Using biodegradable packaging opens the door for other businesses in your field to follow suit. Specifically, biodegradable packaging is a way out of the plastic trap.

Consumers are searching for environmentally friendly packaging.

According to a survey by Mckinsley.com, American consumers now value sustainable packaging and are willing to pay more for it. Consumers would pay more for green, but they would also purchase extra sustainably packaged items if they were accessible in greater numbers and adequately labeled, according to the research. In addition, consumers are becoming more worried about the environmental impact of plastics. So your company’s conversion to biodegradable packaging is not only good for the environment but is also good for your customers.

Reduces the cost of shipping

Weight is the most common method of calculating transportation costs. As a result, sending products in a confined package like a box costs more. Compostable packaging, on the other hand, is durable yet pliable, unlike a box. Shipping expenses are reduced due to the reduced size and weight of the package. When shipping is less expensive, what does it mean? Customers are more likely to convert when delivery costs are lower. The reason for this is simple: People want a more affordable choice or, at the very least, one that is worth their money.


Considering eco-friendly packaging or compostable mailers is a terrific first step, but educating yourselves is essential if you want to make the proper choice. The capabilities and requirements of your company will significantly impact your decision to choose a sustainable packaging option. If you have this understanding of biodegradable packaging and a rigorous approach, you’re off to a great start.

Marisa Lascala

Marisa Lascala is a admin of https://meregate.com/. She is a blogger, writer, managing director, and SEO executive. She loves to express her ideas and thoughts through her writings. She loves to get engaged with the readers who are seeking informative content on various niches over the internet. meregateofficial@gmail.com