What Makes UV Disinfection So Powerful?

What Makes UV Disinfection So Powerful?

UV disinfection utilizes ultraviolet technology to eliminate bacteria and germs fast. Ultraviolet (UV) light damages the particles that bind the DNA of bacteria and viruses. The rays should be of the right wavelength for the targeted virus for UV light disinfection to be beneficial. Below is what makes UV disinfection so powerful.

UV Light Is Effective at Killing Germs

The three main types of UV rays are UVA, UVB, and UVC. Many people associate UVA and UVB rays with more negative things since they are responsible for things like sunburns. 

UVC rays don’t reach the earth’s surface because the ozone layer blocks them. Humans are exposed to artificial UVC light emitted at specific wavelengths for certain amounts of time. 

The rays can kill viruses and bacteria as they produce the highest energy because they have the shortest wavelength. The wavelength ranges between 200 and 400 nanometres (nm). Powerful UVC light is effective at decontamination since it damages the DNA of bacteria and viruses.

UV Light Is Not Toxic

The greatest benefit of using UV light disinfection is it’s environmentally friendly. Harsh chemicals used in sanitization and cleaning products may cause health problems. 

Unlike these chemicals, UV light is safe for disinfecting surfaces and air spaces. Some facilities also use it for water disinfection and wastewater treatment.

UV disinfection units are simple to operate and have low maintenance and operating cost. UV light’s operation reliability is higher than chemicals and is more eco-friendly.

Gets Rid of Antibiotic-Resistant Bacteria

Regular use of cleaners and disinfectants can lead to an increase in antibiotic-resistant bacteria. The bacteria can become resistant to most chemical disinfectants, which can be a significant problem, especially in the medical community. 

UVC light disinfection damages the DNA and RNA of germs, bacteria, and viruses through a technologically advanced physical process. Thus, it’s a powerful disinfectant against antibiotic-resistant bacteria.

Ultraviolet Disinfection Lighting Is Safe

Facilities should follow the manufacturer’s instructions when using UV light to be safe, just like other disinfection methods. UV lights have a good track record of safely and effectively neutralizing harmful microbes when appropriately used. 

Facilities can pair UVC lights with occupancy sensors and timers. The aim is to disinfect rooms when they are not in use and automatically shut off when someone enters the room. 

UV disinfection is not a replacement for standard cleaning procedures. Instead, it complements those efforts when additional sanitation is required for safe working conditions. Most organizations need several types of products alongside UV disinfection.

Uses for UV Light Disinfection

UV technology is a sound investment for different facilities because it’s appropriate in various scenarios. Here are ways that facilities can use UV disinfection effectively.

Equipment Disinfection

UV light is a common disinfectant for equipment. For example, in laboratories where contamination is at risk, UV can be used to disinfect glassware, goggles, and other laboratory instruments. UV light is simple and dry, unlike bleaching or washing, which can leave moisture and residue behind.

Surface Disinfection

UV light is useful in disinfecting surfaces such as floors, tables, and countertops in healthcare facilities, homes, and other spaces. The light destroys active pathogens and viruses on a surface in seconds. UV is much more effective and efficient than other disinfecting and cleaning options, especially in healthcare facilities.

Water Disinfection

UV light disinfection is a process that does not need additional chemicals to clean water, which means it can be an effective and safe option for water disinfection. The light reduces the occurrence of parasites like giardia or cryptosporidium, which can sometimes be resistant to chemical disinfection.

Beverage and Food Disinfection

UV light effectively disinfects things in manufacturing facilities such as conveyor belts that can be challenging to clean well. UV light in beverage and food disinfection fuses the efficiency of UV light on liquids and surfaces. The right products will disinfect the surfaces without reducing the lifespan of the equipment.

Air Disinfection

Facilities can use UV light to disinfect air spaces. There should be enough contact of UV light with air. UV light disinfection works more effectively on stagnant or still air than on moving air. 

Most facilities opt to position the lights on the upper levels in spaces for the air to circulate naturally. They can also place UV lamps near drain pans and coils of cooling systems like refrigeration devices and air conditioners to prevent the growth of bacteria.

Choose the Best UV Disinfection Company

Ultraviolet light is used to create sterile environments and sterilize equipment. Many organizations prefer UV disinfection light to get rid of bacteria and germs to make settings free of contamination. Microbial cells can’t have resistance to UV light disinfection. 

The greatest advantage is that it’s an environment-friendly, non-toxic, and chemical-free process that is easy to handle. Look for a company to assist you in your disinfecting needs and prioritize one that can address the needs of different types of settings.


Marisa Lascala

Marisa Lascala is a admin of https://meregate.com/. She is a blogger, writer, managing director, and SEO executive. She loves to express her ideas and thoughts through her writings. She loves to get engaged with the readers who are seeking informative content on various niches over the internet. meregateofficial@gmail.com