4 Best Bodybuilding Workouts to Increase Muscle Mass

4 Best Bodybuilding Workouts to Increase Muscle Mass

No two bodybuilding workout regimens are the same. If you’re looking to build some serious muscle this year, you need to research different programs. You might even need to try a few different options before finding one that agrees with your body.

If you don’t know where to start, we can help. Keep reading for tips on choosing the best bodybuilding workouts to boost muscle mass.

  1. Stronglifts 5×5

The Stronglifts program is one of the best routines to boost both muscle hypertrophy and strength. It’s a 12-week bodybuilding program that requires only a bench, a barbell, and weight plates.

There are two workouts you’ll be focusing on. Workout A will have you doing barbell rows, bench presses, and squats. Workout B focuses on deadlifts, overhead presses, and squats.

Each exercise will be done five times for five reps, hence the “5×5” portion of the workout name.

You’ll do three workouts every week with a day of rest between them to ensure you’re getting enough time to recover.

If you want to boost your results from this program, you might consider using SARMs. Check out https://sportstechnologylabs.com/product/lgd-4033-ligandrol-10mg-ml/ to find out if this drug is right for you.

  1. German Volume Training

If you’re looking to push your weight training to the limits, look no further. German Volume Training (GVT) came into the world of bodybuilding back in the 1970s and has been popular ever since. GVT isn’t your regular gym routine and should only be done by experienced lifters.

The premise of the program is that you’ll perform compound exercises for 10 sets of 10 repetitions. Compare this to the 5 sets of 5 reps in the Stronglifts program.

Many lifters decide to use GVT as a 30-day program. We don’t recommend pushing your limits beyond those 30 days. You should also consider other programs if you do a lot of additional activities like playing sports or cardio.

  1. Upper/Lower Split Training

This is perhaps the most common workout regimen amongst lifters at the gym. It’s a great program to start with if you’re just beginning to dabble in bodybuilding.

Don’t let that deter you if you consider yourself a seasoned gym-goer. This training split works wonders for advanced lifters, too.

It is typically done on a two days on, one day off schedule. You’ll work every muscle group twice per week.

A great feature of this program is that you have the reigns. You will decide how many repetitions and how many sets of each exercise you perform. Play with different set and rep ranges depending on your goals.

  1. PHAT Program

The PHAT program is a relatively new routine but its effectiveness is undeniable. PHAT stands for Power Hypertrophy Adaptive Training. This program was put together by Dr. Layne Norton, a renowned physique coach and powerlifter.

Every workout in the PHAT program focuses on a major compound movement. This includes lifts such as squats, bench presses, deadlifts, and presses. There are five sessions during every training week – two power and three hypertrophy sessions.

Start Bodybuilding Workouts to Build Muscle

The muscle gains you’re striving for will be yours when you begin your bodybuilding workouts. Any of the above programs will help you do some serious muscle building.

Keep reading our health and fitness blogs for more workout motivation.

Marisa Lascala

Marisa Lascala is a admin of https://meregate.com/. She is a blogger, writer, managing director, and SEO executive. She loves to express her ideas and thoughts through her writings. She loves to get engaged with the readers who are seeking informative content on various niches over the internet. meregateofficial@gmail.com