5 Foods to Improve Weak EyeSight in Children

5 Foods to Improve Weak EyeSight in Children

In today’s time, there is a huge increase in the number of children that wear glasses due to Weak eyesight. Technology was meant to help us all in this world, but it sadly has become a part of our everyday lives. Every little girl and guy is seen these days with tabs and phones in their hands. 

Children these days are seen watching TV all the time, playing games on computer screens, and reading on digital platforms. Spending too much time watching the screen is not helpful in any way for anyone. 

According to the best child specialist in Islamabad,  young adolescents and children are seen suffering from eye diseases and eyesight issues. However, there is nothing to be worried about as the issue of eyesight if caught before time can help in the timely treatment. This can be avoided beforehand by taking timely measures. 

Natural Foods to Improve Eyesight in Children

There are a lot of natural ways that can be used to treat and improve your children’s eyesight. It is essential to feed your child a healthy diet and improve their lifestyle in order to improve eyesight naturally. Exercise needed nutrition, and regular examination from the doctor can play a huge role in tackling poor eyesight. Mentioned below are some of the best foods that can be used in order to improve eyesight in children.

Consume Nuts and Seeds

Nuts and seeds when consumed in appropriate amounts can help in improving eyesight immensely. Cashew, peanuts, almonds, and pistachios if consumed are rich in vitamin E and can reduce the risks of myopia in children. 

Nuts and seeds are also filled with high amounts of omega-3 fatty acids. These fatty acids and vitamin E help a lot in the prevention of dry eyes that might lead to weaker eyesight and blurred vision. 

In seeds, flaxseeds can help a lot with eyesight, and chia seeds are best to consume when you need to solve problems related to eyesight and vision. 

Increase Fruits Intake

Citrus fruits like oranges, tomatoes, guava, and lemons can help a lot with eyesight and keeping the eyes healthy. You can protect your child’s eyesight by giving them strawberries after lunch. 

Other fruits like apricots and mangoes can also be given as these can help a lot in curing night blindness and are rich in Vitamin A. 

When it comes to superfruits, the apricot is one such fruit that is packed with carotenoids, lycopene, and beta-carotene. It must be given to kids on a daily basis for making their eye health better. 

Blueberries are filled with anthocyanins that can help in improving night vision and help the eyes to adapt to the dark. Blueberries are also full of flavonoids like rutin, quercetin, and resveratrol which help a lot in enhancing vision. So try your best to feed your children with fruits every day so that the chances of their eyesight getting weak are lessened. 

Leafy Greens

The anti-oxidative property of leafy greens helps in keeping away the free radicals from the eyes. Green vegetables are full of carotenoids. These are also full of vitamin C, calcium, vitamin B12, and vitamin A. 

You need to start giving your kids kale, broccoli, and collard greens in order to help them increase their eyesight. It is also very important to feed your children with greens like spinach that can benefit their eyesight a lot as it is full of zeaxanthin and lutein which are the best antioxidants. 

Just make sure that you don’t overcook the vegetables as these can lose their benefits when cooked for long. 


Legumes are filled with zinc and bioflavonoids, which makes them beneficial for the retina of the eye. Children must be provided with legumes like kidney beans, lentils, and black-eyed peas in order to keep their eyesight healthy. 

In the case of legumes, it is understood that kids don’t like consuming a lot of legumes, so make sure that you provide them with legumes in the form of soup or mash them for them so that they can eat them to improve their eyesight. 

It must be made sure that the children consume legumes as these are extremely helpful in improving their eyesight


We all know that eggs are full of proteins and vitamin A. They are also full of an antioxidant called lutein. This antioxidant prevents blindness and can help in macular degradation. 

Eggs also play a major role in the proper functioning of the eyes. They also help in the maintenance of the ocular structure. So. give your kid eggs for breakfast, lunch, or dinner and improve their Weak eyesight in no time.


Weak eyesight in children is an ongoing problem that has increased with the increase in the use of technology. It must be made sure that your child is taking enough nutrients that can help in the importance of eyesight. If there is a serious issue that your child is facing with the eyesight then make sure to see an eye doctor before it is too late. 


Marisa Lascala

Marisa Lascala is a admin of https://meregate.com/. She is a blogger, writer, managing director, and SEO executive. She loves to express her ideas and thoughts through her writings. She loves to get engaged with the readers who are seeking informative content on various niches over the internet. meregateofficial@gmail.com