5 Things to Check on your Final Walkthrough

5 Things to Check on your Final Walkthrough

So, you’re at the last step of buying a house in Brevard County. This is the moment you’ve been waiting for since the start. After the home inspection in Brevard County FL, repairs, and negotiations, you’re about to sign the dotted line to buy that house. Hold your horses, though! You’re not done yet. One more step awaits you: Final Walkthrough. This is where you walk around the house one last time, looking for anything you may have missed. Not avoiding this step allows you to avoid any unexpected repair expenses after you move in.

What will you need for the walkthrough?

Here some items that’ll help you conduct a proper walkthrough of the house:

  • Sale agreement
  • Notepad to note down everything
  • Camera to document everything
  • Home inspection report
  • Phone and charger to check the outlets
  1. Check the repairs

The first thing you will need to check during your walkthrough is the repairs that have been done after the home inspection. For this, use the inspection report, which will have details about the issues and the repairs needed. Ensure there are warranties and receipts for the repairs done.

  1. Look at all the systems

Secondly, run all the systems to see if everything is functioning well. This includes HVAC, plumbing, electrical, and appliances. Use the charger to check the outlets and the respective switches for other checks. Also, check the condition of the windows and doors.

  1. Inspect all the rooms

Next, walk through the rooms. Check for mold, water damage, or leaks in bathrooms and kitchen. Also, check if the switches and appliances in each room are functional and any other damage or issue within these rooms.

  1. Account for all the sale items

This is the step where your sale agreement comes to use. Check for all the general items mentioned in the agreement and if they are still on the premises. It’s always recommended to do this check at least a day before the closing day.

  1. Take a walk and look for pests

Walk around the house (outside) look at the landscape and the irrigation system to ensure everything is in order. Lastly, look for pest infestation in and around the house. The signs include dry rot, spongy floors, crumbly timbers, and droppings.


A home inspection may seem like the end of inspecting the new house. However, before you sign the fitted line of the sale closing, always have a final walkthrough of the house to ensure all the repairs have been done and to check for anything you or the inspector may have missed before. When on your walkthrough, ensure you have your real estate agent with you and the necessary items like the sale agreement, notepad, camera, home inspection report, and phone charger.

Marisa Lascala

Marisa Lascala is a admin of https://meregate.com/. She is a blogger, writer, managing director, and SEO executive. She loves to express her ideas and thoughts through her writings. She loves to get engaged with the readers who are seeking informative content on various niches over the internet. meregateofficial@gmail.com