6 Unique Skin Care Products to Try Right Now!

6 Unique Skin Care Products to Try Right Now!

Are you noticing all your peers having better skin than you? Feel like you can’t keep up with all the trends?

Better skin is possible and, it doesn’t always have to involve a 12-step skincare routine. Many unique skincare products on the market can do wonders for your skin.

So are you ready to have glowing, clear skin? Keep reading!

Gua Sha

If you are on beauty TikTok or Instagram, you have most likely seen the little oddly shaped gua sha tool. Gua sha is a practice of energy flow most commonly used in acupuncture as it is a form of ancient Chinese medicine.

The gua sha technique promotes the release of stuck energy in the body to create a more balanced ‘Chi’ or energy. Beauty influencers use the tool to create more defined jawlines, lift eyelids and create overall tighter, younger-looking skin.

Lotion Candles

Lotion candles can be a great gift or can be used for a luxurious night in. Lotion candles have all the base ingredients of normal lotion, such as shea butter and essential oils.

Adding soft, warm lotion to your self-care night doesn’t sound like such a bad idea does it? Click to buy lotion candles and ditch your old skincare lotions!

Red Light Therapy Masks

Have you seen people wearing a plastic red glowing mask and wondering, ‘what on earth is that?’

Red light therapy masks may look a bit intimidating but, they are proven to stimulate collagen production leading, to anti-aging benefits. Red light therapy is safe and often used by dermatologists.

Vitamin C Serum

If you are unsure where to start adding something to your skincare routine, you need to add Vitamin C.

Vitamin C serum is compatible with almost all skin types and is very rare for irritation to occur. Vitamin C creates an even skin tone, it is brightening as well as hydrating. For these reasons, it is a skincare essential.

Tiger Grass Color Correcting Treatment

If you struggle with redness, Tiger Grass color-correcting treatment is a must!

Tiger grass also originates from Eastern medicine practices and has excellent anti-inflammatory properties. It is used to treat redness associated with eczema, acne, and rosacea.

Chlorophyll, also found in plants, is also found in Tiger Grass. Chlorophyll is also full of vitamins and antioxidants.


Okay, this one may not be unique but hear us out. If you have a skincare routine that doesn’t include sunscreen, you are putting the rest of your skincare products to waste.

Daily sunscreen wear (on your face and neck) is essential to prevent skin cancer and aging. SPF creates a barrier that reflects UVA and UVB rays.

Sunscreen also creates a barrier on your skin so, air pollution and bacteria will be less likely to penetrate your skin, causing damage and clogged pores.

Which Unique Skin Care Treatment Are You Going to Try?

Skincare doesn’t have to be daunting simply by adding a few simple products to your morning routine it is possible to transform your skin.

Interested in more unique skincare products? Be sure to check out the rest of our site.

Marisa Lascala

Marisa Lascala is a admin of https://meregate.com/. She is a blogger, writer, managing director, and SEO executive. She loves to express her ideas and thoughts through her writings. She loves to get engaged with the readers who are seeking informative content on various niches over the internet. meregateofficial@gmail.com