7 Common Health Issues Faced by Students

7 Common Health Issues Faced by Students

No doubt, college life is full of excitement and fun. However, whatever opportunities and adventures the student life offers, there is always a great risk of getting some health problems. Young people are more vulnerable to illnesses, as they sometimes tend to neglect safety precautions, especially when doing some extreme sports or activities. Even stressful college classes can cause severe complications if you don’t take into consideration some rules and healthy habits relevant for a balanced and productive life. Once you discover that you get too much pressure from your academic life, please don’t neglect the possibility of handling it properly. Thus, you can turn to professionals from a writing service who can assist you in this matter and cope with the most complicated assignments your professors give to you. With such an approach, you can manage your homework successfully and remain healthy with a positive attitude and determination to deal with the rest of your responsibilities without being overloaded with work. Please make sure you check writepaperfor.me reviews to be confident that this company is what you need and will save you from a pile of troublesome assignments.

Here in this article, you will find seven common health issues that most students encounter while studying in college or university. Being aware of particular problems will probably help you avoid them and be more attentive and caring about yourself by changing a bad lifestyle into a healthy one.

  1. Eating Disorders

Eating disorders are one of the most common problems most young people have. Women are more at risk of developing it, as they constantly try to control their weight by extreme methods and unhealthy diets. Such an attitude and focus on body shape can be caused by learning issues or low self-esteem, which results in uncontrolled eating habits and stress, leading to such consequences as anorexia and bulimia. Moreover, it can also disturb normal sleep by adding more complications to the overall feeling and emotional state. To struggle with this disorder, you should understand that everyone is perfect and unique in their own way. So you don’t have to be so harsh and cruel to yourself to gain the beauty that already exists in you.

  1. Influenza

Everybody is familiar with influenza and knows how threatening it can be in college. Once one person gets sick, there is a great risk that other people will catch this illness afterward. The flu virus is especially active during the autumn and spring seasons. It would help if you become more careful at this time and try to stay away from the students who have already got contaminated. Getting ill can be very unpleasant, as the illness affects the respiratory tract, which takes quite a long time to cure.

  1. Sprains

Don’t be surprised that sprains are on the list of the most common health problems among students. Young people participate in various active games and activities, which inevitably leads to some accidents. Do you know at least one person who hasn’t sprained an ankle, wrist, knee, or leg while being in college? Just be careful and watch yourself to be an exception.

  1. Chicken Pox

If you missed being ill with chickenpox in your childhood, you are probably at risk of getting affected in your class, as there are frequent cases of such a health issue in students’ lives. First of all, watch the symptoms. If you are in the early stage of the disease, you will have more chances to overcome it quickly. However, high fever and affected palate causing pain during swallowing require thorough medication and rehabilitation.

  1. Bleeding Nose

Plenty of factors can cause nose bleeding among students. Even dry air in the classroom can stimulate it and make the blood vessels inside rupture. People who are susceptible to frequent colds experience nose bleeding more often. Consult your doctor to learn about the medication you should take for a particular period of time to avoid the problem.

  1. Mononucleosis

The short form of such an illness is Mono, which can be frequently heard in the college medical centers. A human virus called Epstein Bar causes the biggest problem and creates such symptoms as fever, fatigue, and inflamed lymph glands. To prevent such a misfortune from happening, try to be kept away from your classmates who got infected with Mono.

  1. Food Poisoning

Even though the symptoms go away within a few days, these health issues have never been as relevant as it is today. In some severe cases, food poisoning can cause significant health problems, making students inefficient in their academic lives. But why is this problem so common on campuses where students spend most of their time? Mainly because of the contaminated food, which has been uncovered or non-refrigerated and created a perfect environment for such bacteria like Salmonella, Listeria, Staphylococcus, Clostridium, and others. To avoid being affected by any of them, make sure you eat properly cooked meals and check the expiration date on the packages of food which you consume.

Marisa Lascala

Marisa Lascala is a admin of https://meregate.com/. She is a blogger, writer, managing director, and SEO executive. She loves to express her ideas and thoughts through her writings. She loves to get engaged with the readers who are seeking informative content on various niches over the internet. meregateofficial@gmail.com