8 Ways To Relax Even While on the Go

8 Ways To Relax Even While on the Go

Life can get crazy, especially if you work full-time and have a family. It can seem nearly impossible to get everything accomplished each day. Feeling unaccomplished can generate a lot of stress and anxiety. With everything going on, who has time to relax? Taking a break is essential to your health, though. After all, you can’t care for others if you are not healthy. There are many ways to relax that don’t take much time but can significantly benefit your mental and physical wellbeing. Next time you feel stress peeking around the corner, try one of these methods to get yourself back on track. 

  1. Summon Your Inner Child

Even as an adult, play can help you unwind just as it does children. It should be simply fun. Try to think about nothing other than enjoying yourself as you’re playing. Take a little time to do something totally without purpose. A great way of doing this is coloring in a Mandala coloring book with colored pencils, pens or crayons. Choose bright colors to help improve your mood. You could also go outside and play catch with a friend.

  1. Just Breathe

Breathing is so simple yet so effective in helping you relax. You do it naturally, but you can do better when mindful of it. It’s also something you can do anywhere while doing virtually any activity. Take in several deep breaths, inhaling and exhaling slowly. As you’re breathing, you automatically pause between the inhales and exhales.

  1. Visualize

Visualization is like taking a tiny vacation in your mind. You can do visualization in as little as a couple of minutes. When you begin, close your eyes and think of being in a very relaxing place for you. Utilize your mind’s eye as much as possible to become aware of your senses. For example, if you imagine yourself at the beach, picture the sights, sounds, smells and the feeling of the sun, sand, water and breeze. You can also imagine the taste of your favorite refreshing cold beverage.

  1. Release Your Tension

Be mindful of how you’re feeling. Many people carry tension in their jaws and don’t even realize it. When you feel like you may be tense, open your mouth widely for several seconds. This exercise will release some of the tension.

  1. Nurture Yourself

Nurturing yourself doesn’t have to take a lot of time or effort. You can do something at work like putting on some upbeat or relaxing music while you work. You can do something at home like taking a hot bubble bath, eating your favorite food, or watching a funny movie.

  1. Meditate Mindfully

Mindful meditation is another great way to relax your mind anywhere as you do almost anything that doesn’t take much thought (e.g., washing dishes or exercising). Unlike other types of meditation, you don’t have to be sitting still in a quiet room with your eyes closed. The objective of mindful meditation is to be only in the present. You will have a while when you’re not brooding on past events, and you’re not worrying about potential problems that could occur in the future. It can take some practice to keep your mind from wandering, but once you get comfortable with it, a meditation session will make a difference to calm you and reduce your anxiety

. 7.Take a Power Nap

Most adults don’t have time for the kind of naps they had as young children. However, taking a power nap can make all the difference in your mood and energy levels. You can take a power nap during your lunch hour or a break from work. A 20- or 30-minute rest works best to rejuvenate you without feeling groggy.

  1. Walk

Taking a walk outside can provide several benefits, whether you feel stressed or not. Even after walking outdoors for 15 minutes, you should feel rejuvenated and more relaxed mentally.

Begin on the path to less stress today by trying these tips. As you can see, you’re never too busy to squeeze in some relaxation every day, even if it’s only a couple of minutes periodically throughout the day.


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