9 of the Best Reasons to Own a Gun

Surveys say that 40 percent of people in the U.S. are gun owners. This means that despite certain activists making a big stink of it in the media, plenty of Americans are making use of their second amendment rights. There’s no doubt that an even larger number of Americans would own guns if it weren’t for certain social pressures and restrictions.
Any American who’s experienced the last two years in America couldn’t be blamed for thinking about buying a gun. Gun protection is one of the only sure things in America right now.
If you’re not sold yet, this article will walk you through seven reasons to own a gun. It’ll teach you a bit about what owning a gun means and make distinctions between types of guns along the way.
- Civil Unrest Is At a High
Global civil unrest has increased ten percent in the past few years. But any American who lives in a city or pays attention to the news would be able to tell you that almost immediately.
What’s unique about this situation in regards to civil unrest is that it’s coming from both sides of the political spectrum.
The COVID-19 pandemic has had many people frustrated and angry. Some are angry about the government’s slow response. Others are angry that we’ve had to shut businesses down in the first place.
In the summer of 2020, the killing of a black man named George Floyd by a police officer caused eruptions of protests in America’s major cities. Many businesses were left wrecked and destitute, and people even lost their lives.
But the mayhem didn’t stop there.
Months later, after America discovered that Donald Trump lost the election to Joe Biden, far-right protesters stormed the Capitol Building of the United States. Many police failed to — or refused to — stop these rioters and the work of a few brave officers stopped the congresspeople from being injured.
The moral of these stories is that no matter what side of the political spectrum you’re on, you’re in danger. The cops can’t and won’t save you — heck, they might be the ones causing the violence.
The second amendment exists so that good citizens can defend themselves in times of civil unrest. Don’t let yourself fall victim to changes in the times. Buy a firearm, and keep your family safe.
- Peace of Mind is Priceless
There’s an old saying that goes — the best weapon is one you never have to use. Many people don’t understand that gun owners aren’t looking for trouble. They’re trying to keep themselves out of trouble.
A responsible gun owner is one who’s always aware of where his gun is stored. He knows that it’s in a place where children can’t get to it and that the bullets are kept in a separate location. He’s trained with his gun and is confident that he can use it if he has to.
This brings great peace of mind to the gun owner and the family.
In our rapidly moving world, nothing bad needs to happen directly to children for them to wind up traumatized. Simply hearing about scary current events can traumatize. They might stay up nights worried that criminals are going to break in.
However, if you keep a gun in the house that you’re confident with, you can assure them that everything is taken care of. Your family members can rest easy knowing they are in good hands, and your friends will appreciate your increased confidence.
- Every State Permits Concealed Carry
You might not know this, but every state has certain places where you’re allowed to carry concealed weapons. Certain states make it impossible for you to get a certification, and others make it difficult to obtain weapons, but the fact remains true.
Concealed carry should be important to you and your family’s sense of security. While you might be protected in the comfort of your own house, going into a city, taking a trip, and visiting relatives can be nerve-wracking endeavors. No good citizen should ever have to fear for their lives, but crime is an unfortunate reality.
Concealed carry allows you to travel the most dangerous parts of the country much more safely.
Most criminals are like animals. They want to prey on the weak. If a criminal attempts to assail you, just showing them your weapon could very likely cause them to run off.
Of course, the best part of concealed carry is the sense of security it gives you. Bring your gun along and keep you and your family safe.
- There Are Many Types of Guns
There’s a reason why people get so into guns. There’s a variety of guns out there.
To become a gun owner, you’ll need to pick out the gun that’s right for you. 80percentarms.com has some of the best rated selection of 80 lowers on the market.
Selecting the right gun is a very personal process. In many ways, it’s like picking out clothes. People become attached to their guns because they’ve picked the right guns for them.
Handguns are the kind of gun that’s easiest to carry concealed. There are also many clever ways to hide handguns within your house. Their benefit is that they’re light and quick, but if you train with them you can be very accurate.
Rifles are weapons designed for long-range use. Assault rifles — or ARs — are specifically designed for human combat. If you’re looking to defend your home, you should look into some rifles, particularly if you have a long yard.
Check out this website we found for all of the information you’ll need about AR parts. Just as engaging as the world of picking out your gun is the world of picking your gun parts.
You might also consider a shotgun. Shotguns are high-powered weapons that are best for close-quarters combat. If you think you’ll find yourself in a situation where you’ll need close-range defense, a shotgun could be good for you.
- You Can Hunt
The glory of guns isn’t all about personal protection. Owning a gun also allows you to legally hunt.
Hunting is a wonderful way to get in touch with the natural world. Buy yourself a rifle and a rifle scope and become familiar with the rules and regulations of your town and state and you’re already part of the way there.
You can hunt for food or for sport. Wild game is extremely satisfying to eat, provided you know how to prepare it.
Hunting is encouraged in some areas where the population of certain areas gets too large. In these cases, you can pat yourself on the back knowing that you are helping out your community.
Paradoxically, hunting teaches you to appreciate animals. You’ll learn just how graceful, fast, and strong they can be. If you don’t respect animals, you’ll never make it as a hunter.
Last but not least, it’s just good exercise. Not everybody isn’t into the contrived scenarios of working at a gym or playing sports. Engaging in this anxiety activity is a great way to keep off the pounds.
- Marksmenship Is Rewarding
If you’re looking for a new craft to perfect, look no further than the art of marksmanship. A good gun isn’t hard to operate, but the best guns out there can take years to master.
If you like the struggle of taking up a new pursuit, making incremental processes, hitting walls, finding out new information, surmounting those walls, and getting in touch with a community — sort of like playing an instrument — you’d love marksmanship.
Since marksmanship is all about accuracy, it’s incredibly satisfying to watch yourself get closer and closer to the center of the target, and then be able to do it from further and further away. Once you’ve mastered one gun, you can move on to a different type to test your skills.
- You’ll Encourage Gun Safety
When you become a gun owner, you open up the opportunity to become an advocate for gun safety. God forbid if your children ever end up in a situation where they have to use a gun, they’ll have a far better chance of using it right if they’ve been taught it by you.
You can also make sure that friends of yours who might be less responsible gun owners are keeping up on their safety. Contrary to what many people think, the best way to decrease gun-based accidents and gun-based crime is to educate people about how to use guns best.
Reasons to Own a Gun
As you can see, there are many reasons to own a gun. Civil unrest is at an all-time high, and guns are only one of the only ways you can assure your family that you’ll keep them safe. You’ll gain peace of mind, an opportunity to make use of the concealed carry laws, engage in a personal choice of guns, open up the worlds of hunting and marksmanship to yourself, and provide yourself the opportunity to learn about gun safety.