Ovulation Tests: The What, How, and When Of It

Ovulation Tests: The What, How, and When Of It

Cutting to the chase, when one tries to have a baby, the first thing anyone wants to know is when is the right time to have intercourse to heighten the chances of getting pregnant. Ovulation tests are the best possible course of action to predict the most fertile stage accurately.

What is Happening During the Process:

It is best to take it a few days before one expects ovulation. It is because the process of ovulation happens in the middle of a menstrual cycle. This monthly cycle begins with the first day of the period.

Once the ovaries release the egg, it lives for an average of 12-24 hours. This short window makes it seem like it is an unmanageable task. However, a sperm lives inside the body for over five days. Therefore even a lack of intercourse even in the small ovulation window may not affect the chances. Conceiving is possible because it happens a few days earlier.

How to predict the ovulation date?

It is easier to predict when one has a regular menstrual cycle. For example, consider a cycle of 28 days. The ovulation will likely happen around day 14. So it is best to begin testing from the tenth day or so.

For those who have a short cycle, one can assume that the process will begin within four days or at the midpoint of the cycle. So start using the ovulation tests kit 4- 5 days before this point.

During what time is the best time to test?

There is no one right time of the day to carry out this test. Some women find it easier to test their urine in the morning. Some do it during the afternoons or evenings. Whatever the time may be, ensure to test every day during the same time.

One has to remember that the presence of liquid can dilute the level of luteinizing hormone in urine. In such cases, it may appear as if one is not ovulating even when one is. So keep in mind to limit fluid intake at least 2 hours before testing.

Alternatively, try not to urinate a few hours before taking the test. For these reasons, most women prefer to take it right after they wake up as the liquid level is low.

Testing right after waking up also gives plenty of opportunities to have some of that much-preferred morning sex.

How To Test:

Ovulation test strips detect the amount of LH or luteinizing hormone in the urine. The LH hormone signals ovulation- the release of eggs from the ovaries into the fallopian tubes.

The strips determine the days one is most fertile and have an accuracy of 99%, depending on the regularity of the menstrual cycle.

To carry out the testing, one can either

  • Urinate on the test stick
  • Urinate in a cup and later place the test stick inside the cup.

One can view the results in around five minutes.

Ovulation test strips have two lines.

  1. The first one is a control line that signals the proper functioning of the test.
  2. The other one is a test line. Depending on whether or not one is ovulating, the line will appear lighter or darker.

Determining the results:

When the test line seems lighter, it signals low levels of LH in the body. When there are high levels of this hormone in the body, the line will appear darker. This case indicates that the chances to conceive are high, and it’s recommended to have intercourse or proceed with other methods of conception such as home insemination or intrauterine insemination.


For expecting mothers, the best chances to conceive are the most vital thing they need to know. Frequent testing using reliable ovulation test strips in Australia will give the green light to know when to try.


Marisa Lascala

Marisa Lascala is a admin of https://meregate.com/. She is a blogger, writer, managing director, and SEO executive. She loves to express her ideas and thoughts through her writings. She loves to get engaged with the readers who are seeking informative content on various niches over the internet. meregateofficial@gmail.com