This Is What You Need to Do After a Workplace Injury

This Is What You Need to Do After a Workplace Injury

Did you know that workplace injuries occur every seven seconds? That equates to 540 work injuries per hour, which ultimately means seven million injuries a year.

If you think that statistic is alarming, then you’d probably faint if you learned about how much money an injury can cost a company.

If you are a manager, business owner, CEO, etc., a workplace injury can be your downfall. That is unless you know how to handle it and take the steps to prevent it from happening again. To make your life simpler, here is some advice on preventing and dealing with a work-related injury.

What Causes A Workplace Injury?

Let’s discuss some of the more common causes of workplace accidents. Poor lifting techniques, employee fatigue, trips, falls, and lack of proper equipment are leading causes of employees being injured at work.

This is why there should be more efforts in promoting employee safety by preventing accidents. Have regular safety tips on a weekly basis to remind employees of proper safety protocol. Ensure that employees have the proper equipment they need to do their jobs while reducing injury risk.

Perhaps even consider filling out reward cards for employees you see working safely so that can win a prize for their efforts. Any preventative method you can take towards keeping employees safe will ultimately make your life easier in the long run.

Dealing With A Workplace Injury

Even with preventative methods in place, an injury is bound to happen every now and then. So what should you do in that situation?

Your first step is to get the employee to a safe place and assess the injury. Depending on the severity, you may need to apply first-aid, call an ambulance, or arrange transportation to the hospital.

You also need to gather all the details about the injury. This information needs to be on file in the event that a legal matter arises from this injury.

You should actively work with the employee in filing a workman’s comp claim, actively communicating with the employee and all agents and adjustors involved to ensure the employee’s claims are accurate.

Finally, you’ll want to use this incident to communicate further scrutinization. As you investigate the injury, you’ll need to determine what caused the accident, and re-emphasize safety policies to keep another incident from occurring. All legal and compensation matters aside, ensuring future safety prioritization for all employees is the biggest priority.

More On Work And Well-Being

With this guide, you have at least some idea of how to properly handle a workplace injury and how to prevent future ones. Prioritizing the safety of your employees is going to keep them working hard for you and it will prevent you from facing major issues down the road.

For more information on health and work-related matters, take a look at the Business and Health & Fitness sections of our site.


Marisa Lascala

Marisa Lascala is a admin of She is a blogger, writer, managing director, and SEO executive. She loves to express her ideas and thoughts through her writings. She loves to get engaged with the readers who are seeking informative content on various niches over the internet.