Get Started as a Videographer Guide

Get Started as a Videographer Guide

Have you always dreamed about a career in the video industry? Do you want to move from shooting amateur travel videos on your phone camera and become a professional videographer?

Well, then you came to the right place for some advice! In this short but really informational guide, we will take a look at different aspects of this occupation, learn the difference between a videographer and cinematographer, what you need to do to become one, and many more. Without further ado, let’s get started!

The difference between a cinematographer and a videographer

Do you know the difference between a professional who creates beautiful cinematic videos and a wedding videographer, for example? Are these two professions different, or are the words “cinematographer” and “videographer” simply interchangeable?

Actually, no. These two professions are similar in their essence but different in their roles. A cinematographer is a part and a lead of a large team that is responsible for lighting and cameras on the set. A cinematographer works with the film’s/show’s director directly, and together they decide on what every shot should look like. This professional is rarely the one behind the camera, but his contribution is seen in every shot that has been taken.

As for a videographer, here we talk about a person who creates and shoots videos for all the reasons and occasions, but movies. Of course, this person can work in a team, but it will be a team of videographers at your wedding party, for example. If your day is not a part of a motion picture, these people are not cinematographers in this particular case.

A videographer will do a lot of work usually taken by other professionals in cinematography: they will edit, do voiceover, and all other post-production things that need to be done. In a way, a videographer is a one-person orchestra, and a cinematographer is very important, but just only one of the many instruments in a band.

Career expectations for a videographer

Naturally, when you enter a new profession, you want to know about the money. We all work for weekends, and salary is a big thing that can make you run for something as quickly as possible or completely abandon this idea of changing your career.

But don’t worry if you choose videography! As a video specialist, you can count on a pretty big check at the end of the month, we have to say! According to a respectable website, a full-time professional videographer earns somewhere from $40k to $98 a year in the US.

Of course, if you only start, these numbers can be not so spectacular, but after gaining some experience, you can do even better than we have mentioned.

The step-by-step guide on what you will need to become a videographer

It’s not only about choosing the right camera, you know. If you choose to become a videographer, you need to take quite many steps before making a name for yourself. This path may be different for you or other people, but in general, almost everybody needs to follow the steps below to start a career in videography.

Start with a proper education

YouTube now offers tons of excellent information regarding various subjects, but we still value a regular education process more. We recommend you take at least some courses on videography before starting your journey in this career.

Basics are everything in any occupation, so please do not ignore education in your journey.

Getting the right gear is your next step

Yes, this step will be the most expensive for you, but we would like to note that at least at the beginning you can choose to use rental equipment to save some money.

So, a professional videographer will need the best video camera you can afford, a good camera stabilizer, a tripod, a lighting kit, and extra accessories like batteries and mics.

Choose your software

Gear is everything, but it can’t do the maximum for you without proper software. As a videographer, you will need a video editor (you can opt for a free video editor at first, but consider investing in professional software later), a commercial video recorder, and various additional programs, like video converters.

As we are speaking of converters, let’s give you a pro tip here. Some professional equipment works only with MXF format, so we advise you to get an MXF converter for Windows & Mac to be prepared for situations when you will need to convert your videos in an appropriate format.

Create a website and portfolio

Now you have the equipment, and you need your personal space where you can add your portfolio, set up a price list, and have a blog for promotion.

Here you can have total creative freedom to decide how you want to create your website. You can go to a professional web design agency or create a simple Tilda website by yourself. The choice is yours!

Promote your services and look for jobs

Now it’s time to look for freelance jobs. We advise you to go on platforms like Freelancer or Upwork and try to get a gig there and promote your services in other places on the internet, like social media.

Usually, people look for videographers on social media because it is the easiest way to communicate with potential videographers. It is easier for them to look through your portfolio and decide to hire you.

Polish your craft daily

The last piece of advice we have for you today is to continue creating videos even if you don’t have anything to do at the moment. There’s no true end in the educational process, and if you don’t have gigs right now, create business videos and put them on your blog.

With every edited video, you will be getting a little better in the craft, and, eventually, you will become the best version of yourself as a professional!


Now you have it! You have got a basic understanding of what it means to be a videographer and what you need to do to become one.

The only thing that’s left for you is actually starting your path and becoming the brightest star in the videography industry. We do not doubt that you will be able to achieve that, so good luck!

Marisa Lascala

Marisa Lascala is a admin of She is a blogger, writer, managing director, and SEO executive. She loves to express her ideas and thoughts through her writings. She loves to get engaged with the readers who are seeking informative content on various niches over the internet.