Become A Forklift Driver; How To Get A Forklift License

Become A Forklift Driver; How To Get A Forklift License

As the job opportunities for forklift drivers expand every passing day, people are more and more inclined toward becoming forklift drivers. Studies and statistics prove that there is a shortage of forklift drivers all around the globe and especially in the United States, United Kingdom, and Australia. This makes forklift drivers high in demand and hence, a great career path.

Hence, it is no surprise that more and more people are opting to become forklift drivers. However, there are some important guidelines regarding becoming an eligible forklift driver. Keep reading to know more!

How To Become A Forklift Driver.

Becoming a forklift driver is as easy as cutting butter with a hot knife. Anyone can do it, which is what makes it a very reasonable and considerable job opportunity.

Using a truck to lift some heavy-weight materials and driving across some distance sounds very easy, doesn’t it? Well, it is actually more complex and has risk factors that you might not expect. Driving and operating a forklift truck is no child’s play and requires proper training.So, if you are looking to become a forklift driver in Australian cities, you are required by law to have a forklift licence in Victoria

There are many training companies that offer training and provide forklift licenses upon success. Here is a basic idea about how to get the fork lift license.

Step 1: Determine And Decide The Type Of Forklift Driver You Want To Be.

There are several types of forklift drivers depending on the task given, operations, the vehicle used, models, etc. You need a forklift license according to your power industrial vehicle to be eligible. Once you have determined this, you can move on to the second step.

Step 2: Find And Sign Up For A Course.

Now, you need to find a course or training facility that is approved by OSHA that offers forklift training. You can find these easily through the internet. Usually, a forklift training course costs between $150 to $200.

Step 3: Attend The Required Classes.

The forklift training course usually comprises of two classes that are usually six to eight hours long. In the classes, trainees are taught basics about the truck, its operation, technicalities, working, risk factors, emergency measures, safety measures, truck maintenance, etc. There are two halves of the course; in-class training and hands-on training. This usually takes two days.

Step 4: Receive Your Certificate.

Once you take the course, you are required to take a written test which usually asks questions about the course taught in classes. A trainee must take a 75% score to receive the forklift certificate. Your performance in hands-on class will also be taken into account while giving you a final grade.

Step 5: Receive The Last Evaluation.

Lastly, you will be evaluated for the last time. Your overall performance will be taken into account. Note that a professional and certified trainer or your employer will evaluate your performance. Once you give a satisfactory performance, you are good to go!

You will shortly receive your license and will be eligible to become a forklift operator.

Marisa Lascala

Marisa Lascala is a admin of She is a blogger, writer, managing director, and SEO executive. She loves to express her ideas and thoughts through her writings. She loves to get engaged with the readers who are seeking informative content on various niches over the internet.