Best Poker Hands ever played in a Casino

Best Poker Hands ever played in a Casino

Whether you are an expert poker player or play the famous card game with friends, a decent poker hand makes things a lot easier when it comes to winning a round. Even though it is the average hands that test your skills such as bluffing the most, a Royal Flush makes playing the game a far more straightforward experience – only play the best games today.

However, it is the skill to make the most of whatever you have been dealt, that makes poker such a fascinating card game to play. A lot of the memorable hands that have been best paying australian online casino have come in the World Series which is one of the most famous of all poker tournaments.

World Series of Poker 1976 

Even though the World Series was in its infancy in 1976, it produced one of the most memorable poker hands of the entire history of this famous tournament. The main contest was between Jesse Alto and Doyle Brunson who is considered to be one of the greatest poker players that have ever graced the competition. Alto bet the pot on an ace-jack-ten flop and was the favourite to win, however, a ten on the river gave Brunson a Full House and he left the casino table $220,000 better off. He trumped this in 1977 again at the World Series Main Event when he came from behind to produce yet another Full House that defeated his then-rival Bones Berland. This time Doyle left the arena $340,000 richer. 

2003 World Series 

An accountant aptly named Chris Moneymaker drew a lot of attention to himself in the 2003 World Series after he gained his seat to the $10,000 Main Event. His opponent that day was Sam Farha a professional poker player with various victories to his name. What came to pass proved that anyone could win at poker as Moneymaker went on to win the $2.5 million prize with a bluff on an open-ended straight draw and a king-high flush draw. 

Other Memorable Moments 

Poker has become a spectator sport on television, and it used to get quite a bit of late-night TV coverage. The most valuable contest was between Tom Dwan and Phil Ivey, the victor here was Tom Dwan from a Jack of Hearts on the river which won him $1,108,500. 

A game between Donnacha O’ Dea, Achilleas Kallakis and Tim Flanders saw Donnacha start with Pocket 3s, whilst Tim held a 4 and a 5. Achilleas had a 5 and 9 of Spades. The Flop helped give the trio strong hands to compete with, Donnacha had Three of a Kind whilst Achilleas had trumped this with a Flush. Tim had the worst of the three hands, but all three players thought they could win. 

This led to Donnacha betting $6,000 and his two rivals called this move. After a King came up on the Turn, Tim bet another $20,000 which was once again called by his two rivals. Another 3 on the River gave Donnacha Four of a Kind. Tim decided to fold and amazingly so did Achilleas who was actually in control, leaving Donnacha victorious and Achilleas licking his wounds. This game proved that strategy could beat a higher ranked hand.

Marisa Lascala

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