ILR on the basis of 10 years long residence

ILR on the basis of 10 years long residence

To apply for the ILR (Indefinite Leave to Remain) on a long residence basis, you must have lived lawfully for 10 continuous years in the UK. This period can be completed with a combination of various visas that you may have held while your stay in the UK.

General eligibility criteria

You should have a valid leave to remain in any one of the immigration categories to apply for the ILR. The eligibility requirements for the ILR on a long residence UK basis include;

  • You must have lived lawfully in the UK for 10 continuous years
  • You have passed the Life in the UK Test
  • You have proved that you have adequate English language proficiency
  • You have don’t have any criminal convictions or any breached any immigration laws and completely abided by the terms of your UK visa
  • You currently have a leave to remain in any UK immigration category
  • No valid reasons with respect to public interest on why it would be unfavourable to grant you ILR

Maintaining continuous residence of 10 years in the UK

Applicants are required to maintain 10 years of continuous lawful residence in the UK. You should have also fulfilled the continuous 10 years term period by the following:

  1. Not stayed out of the UK for more than 18 months during the 10 years period
  2. Maintained a valid leave to remain status under any immigration category for the entire 10 years period
  3. Not stayed out of the UK for more than 6 months on any particular occasion during the 10 years period
  4. Was not absent from the UK during the 10 years period with a clear intention or proof of not coming back to the UK.
  5. You shouldn’t have left the UK within the relevant period having been refused leave to enter or remain
  6. You have not been moved back or deported from the UK during the 10 years period.

When should I Apply for 10 Years ILR?

You should be able to make an online application for ILR before the expiry of your immediate leave to remain. You must not apply more than 28 days before completing the qualifying period of continuous 10 years.

Your qualifying period for your 10 years ILR begins from the visa date on which you entered the UK or the date you were granted permission to remain in the UK in case you didn’t enter the UK on any visa.

It’s very critical to get the qualifying period fulfilled as your application can be refused if you make an early application without fulfilling the requirement. Your fees will not be refunded to you and will have to make a new application.


Processing time and fee

It usually takes up to 6 months before you hear from the Home Office on your ILR application.

The payable fee for the application is £2389 for a single person for a standard application procedure online or by post.

The fee increases by £1033 for each dependent applying with you.


Need legal assistance?

Why should you worry with abundant information on the long residence guidance 2021 and no enough knowledge of how to go about your application? It would be best to consult a legal expert. A Y & J Solicitors have been in the UK immigration and visa business for over 10 years now. They represent your case and handhold you until a successful application is achieved.

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Marisa Lascala

Marisa Lascala is a admin of She is a blogger, writer, managing director, and SEO executive. She loves to express her ideas and thoughts through her writings. She loves to get engaged with the readers who are seeking informative content on various niches over the internet.