Best Surgical and Non-surgical Cosmetic Procedures for Men

Best Surgical and Non-surgical Cosmetic Procedures for Men

Did you know that men can go through life feeling self-conscious about their appearance? Perhaps it’s because they are often perceived as being gaunt and bear a striking resemblance to patients in photographs. 

Or it could be that men simply worry too much about what other people think of them. They may not like to admit it, but they are just as susceptible to vanity as the next person. 

Whatever the case, with so many cosmetic treatments available for male clients, it can sometimes be difficult to know where to start. Fortunately, there are plenty of advances in cosmetic surgery that have been developed exclusively for men. Here is a list of some of the best male surgical and non-surgical procedures available today.

Liposuction for Men – A Growing Trend on the Rise.

In the last decade or so, liposuction has become one of the most popular aesthetic procedures for men. Why? Because it is a quick and easy way to remove excess fat from all areas of the body. It does not require any general anesthesia and usually takes around an hour to complete. The procedure is safe and can be performed on an outpatient basis. It is often combined with other aesthetic procedures such as chemical peels and massage to create an aesthetic package known as LIPO. 

There are a few types of liposuction you can perform on men: 

  • Freeform Liposuction – In this procedure, you will create a custom-made contour map around the areas of excess fat on the abdomen, thighs, and bottom. This is a non-invasive procedure and generally results in a more natural looking result. 
  • Traditional Liposuction – In this procedure, you will sit in a reclined chair while a doctor removes excess fat from all areas of your body. It can be a little uncomfortable, but it is by far the most uncomfortable procedure on the list. While it is often combined with other procedures such as chemical peels and massage, it is not a required part of the aesthetic package.


The word “facelift” makes most men think of surgery. But the reality is, a facelift, also known as a “non-surgical” facelift, can be an effective way to improve your appearance and give you back that youthful glow.

There are a variety of non-surgical facelifts that will give you back your youthful and attractive appearance. These include pampering facial surgeries, chemical peels, and aesthetic surgery. All of these procedures can give you back your youthful and attractive appearance, but they don’t get you back the femininity that’s been lost with old age.

There are a few ways to get a facelift without going under the surgeon’s knife. You can ask your doctor for a non-surgical facelift, or you can ask a spa or  an aesthetic surgeon at Endwell dermatology care. Both can help you get the procedure if you’re unsure whether it’s the right procedure for you. Spa Facelifts are often referred to as “pampering facial surgeries,” as the patients are pampered and treated like royalty during their downtime. The downtime is usually around two to three hours, and you’re free to use the facilities and exit the clinic the same day.

Chin Tuck

A chin tuck is a surgical procedure used to reduce the amount of fat around the chin and throat. The chin, which slopes down the face, contains the most tissue and is, therefore, the most heavily proportioned. A chin tuck will, therefore, reduce the volume of this area and result in a more slender and aesthetically appealing chin. It is a permanent procedure and requires several doctor visits for surveillance photos. It is usually performed on an outpatient basis and is usually combined with other procedures such as chemical peels and massage to create an aesthetic package.

Eyebrow Shaping and Tattoo Removal

If you’ve ever wondered what your eyes would look like if they were drawn on to someone else’s face, then the answer is definitely “different.” Eyebrow removal is one of the most popular and frequently requested procedures for men. It is, however, not a common procedure in and of itself. What is more common is a procedure that is often combined with other procedures such as chemical peels and massage known as Eye brow/Imaging removal and tattoo removal.


This is probably the most commonly requested procedure for men who seek aesthetic plastic surgery. What is performed on the nose is, in many ways, similar to liposuction – it is a quick and easy way to remove fat from all areas of the body. It is, however, a bit more invasive and requires hospitalization for a week or so after the procedure. Check out the website of Dr. Pero, best rhinoplasty surgeon in Dallas, for before and after photos, as they have a ton of useful information about rhinoplasty procedure.

Cooling & Electrical Shaping for Men

This is a relatively new procedure that can be used for two distinct purposes. It can be used to treat conditions that cause excess body heat such as hyperhidrosis (excessive sweating) or alopecia (loss of hair). It can also be used as a standalone procedure to treat BSMD, which is a condition in which a man’s scalp heats up from the sun’s rays and causes a rash.

Cheekbone Surgery

The cheekbones are the most obvious features of the face. They can be accentuated to perfection with a delicate touch of makeup and are one of the most important features of the face to draw attention to. There are a few techniques you can use to reduce the prominence of the cheekbones and improve the shape and visibility of the neck muscles that support them. 

The classic method is to use an osteotomist device, which is a metal bar with a variety of curving tools that can be used to contour the bones in the face. Another popular method is the cooling technique, where a team of specialists will use fans to circulate air around the face and scalp. The cooling technique is often combined with radiation therapy to stop the hair from growing back too quickly.

Final Words

Male cosmetic procedures are very powerful in helping to improve a person’s appearance. With a little knowledge and determination, anyone can have the procedure done. The most important thing you can do is get it done right the first time.

Marisa Lascala

Marisa Lascala is a admin of She is a blogger, writer, managing director, and SEO executive. She loves to express her ideas and thoughts through her writings. She loves to get engaged with the readers who are seeking informative content on various niches over the internet.