Can You Do Neurofeedback Therapy at Home? What You Need to Know

Can You Do Neurofeedback Therapy at Home? What You Need to Know

If you’ve ever been in to the doctor for an X-ray, it can be strange to see exactly what is going on internally in your body. The science that allows us to pinpoint what needs fixing can also translate to the brain.

For example, an X-ray can tell us when we have a broken finger and where exactly it needs healing. With neurofeedback therapy, we’re able to see our brainwaves in real-time. Curious what neurofeedback therapy at home looks like? Continue reading for information related to this all-natural therapy.

Making Brain Waves

To begin, let’s start with the question: what is neurofeedback therapy? It is a relatively new form of treatment meant to improve the brain’s focus and improve basic neurological functioning.

It uses electrodes to display a brain map to find out which areas of the brain are most in need of treatment. For example, those with depression or ADHD may show less activity in the prefrontal cortex. The part of the brain responsible for proper executive functioning.

Neurofeedback can then identify which parts of the brain may be out of balance or need retraining.

New Pathways

Emotions, thoughts, and behaviors, essentially everything we do, is communicated by the neurons within our brains. Brainwaves are produced by masses of neurons communicating with each other via electrical pulses.

Some brainwaves are fast and others are slow. There are five types that our brains produce:

  • Gama
  • Alpha
  • Beta
  • Theta
  • Delta

For those living with mental health issues like ADHD or anxiety, these waves manifest a bit differently. For example, those with ADHD may have an excess of slow theta waves which translates to difficulty with concentration and controlling attention.

Neurofeedback Therapy at Home

As humans, we are unaware of these brainwaves and which state our brain is currently in. With neurofeedback therapy, we’re able to see our brainwaves on a screen, thus deducing certain patterns. This in turn can lead to ultimately retraining our brainwaves to a healthier state.

A neurofeedback therapist can provide a specific plan of treatment depending on each individual’s situation. They can read and analyze a brainwave map to pinpoint where a specific problem may be occurring within the brain. Neurofeedback therapy training is an excellent way to understand where unhelpful behaviors may be stemming from and how to rewire the brain to change them.

A positive note to this treatment is that it can be done from the comfort of your home. In general, an in-office brain mapping is completed, along with a report given by your practitioner. Once complete, you can use a take-home unit along with an app and you’re all set to complete your therapy at home.

Wave Hello to a Healthy Brain

Neurofeedback is an excellent form of treatment for those hoping to improve their cognitive performance and work on optimal brain health. Neurofeedback therapy at home provides those looking for said improvements to do so from the comfort of their own home, saving stress and valuable time.

Neurofeedback therapy reviews are promising. This form of treatment offers a gentle and straightforward approach to brain health. Wave goodbye to things like anxiety, depression, memory loss, and more.

For additional health-related information, feel free to browse our Health & Fitness section.

Marisa Lascala

Marisa Lascala is a admin of She is a blogger, writer, managing director, and SEO executive. She loves to express her ideas and thoughts through her writings. She loves to get engaged with the readers who are seeking informative content on various niches over the internet.