Choosing The Best Type Of Mattress Topper

Choosing The Best Type Of Mattress Topper

To choose the best mattress topper, first consider what’s important to you – comfort, cost, style, and health. Trust – get it, that’s why I’ve compiled the top ten best mattresses toppers for sleep experts around the world. I have slept on every type of mattress topper available on the market – comfort, price, and health, and feel pretty sure about my picks. As a sleep professional, I cannot stress enough the importance of sleep hygiene. When you’re not properly cleaned and conditioned, your sleep can suffer greatly, and it can lead to: 


The only real way to ensure you’re not putting anything into your body that you don’t want is by choosing the best mattress topper that’s right for you. It should be made of a firm yet malleable material, designed to conform to the shape of your body and provide the most comfort. The most comfortable mattress toppers are often those that don’t push it to you, but instead allow you to conform to the mattress – this provides the most support while providing a natural sleeping position.

Moisture Management

I’d go with Sensus XP, over Memory Foam or Thermoplastic. All of the better brands contain some sort of moisture management. Sensus XP is a two-step process that starts at the factory with proprietary foam that holds the moisture in. Once it’s there, it works like a charm by slowly releasing it through the mattress and into your room, without leaving behind any hot spots. My test (I’ve sleep-tested them both) found that the Sensus XP moisture management system is the best mattress topper (by far) for side sleepers.


There are two types of mattress tops, regular and luxury toppers. Now, many people choose a regular mattress topper because they’re cheaper than luxurious mattress toppers. However, many people also choose one simply because it matches their room decor. Some people want a super plush mattress topper, while others prefer a firmer, cozier feel. To help clarify the difference, here are some things to think about: If you have a lot of body contact with the bed, then you want something more firm, with more to give. But if you just want a softer mattress topper, then you’ll be happier with a softer mattress topper (such as one of the many softness ratings offered by Sensus XP). And if you’ve got a room with few points of contact (such as one with low ambient noise or one where the mattress doesn’t move much), then you can get away with a more plush mattress topper that won’t change the way you sleep.

Wool Mattress Toppers

In my opinion, wool mattress toppers are the best. They’re softer, less stuffy, and most people find that they do sleep better. Most people prefer them to any other type of pillow. Unfortunately, memory foam is very expensive. It costs three times as much as memory foam and three times as much as down.

If you want the most inexpensive option, try a memory foam topper with a density of one. That’s a little less than a feather. The density gives it the firmness to conform to your body without being too firm. It also has a little bit of waffle.

Luxury Toppers

However, if you want the most luxurious experience possible, choose the best toppers that have a density of two or three inches. These have side sleepers incorporated into them. Each side sleeper holds an air mattress. This allows side sleepers to get a very firm mattress feel without sacrificing weight.

There are other options available, of course. You can buy a topper that provides your body with a wide range of motion. Like memory foam, it also has air cells that distribute body weight more evenly. This provides a comfortable sleeping surface, but it eliminates the pressure points commonly associated with this material. If you are getting a luxury topper, also consider getting expensive headboards, as both will enhance the luxurious feeling and look of your bedroom.

Materials And Thickness

The topper’s materials and thickness directly impact your level of support and firmness. Since we’re talking about support, let’s talk about spring, or “memory” or “firm” springs. Springiness refers to how tightly the springs compress when weighty objects are pressed down on them, and stiffness refers to how long they can hold that weight.

Among the best mattress topper materials, you’ll find latex, memory foam, and viscoelastic foam. Latex, especially, is well-known for its ability to conform to your body shape, unlike spring, which tends to be more sensitive to things going on in your sleeping area. It also has the benefit of being incredibly comfortable and even anti-allergic. Viscoelastic foam is all about how air is conducted through it, allowing cool air to escape as you sleep and helping to make the sleeper feel more relaxed.

Now let’s move on to some important aspects of finding the best mattress topper for you. Although the customer rating is important, we aren’t looking at just the numerical value of a particular product. We want to know what other people think about it, or how other people feel about it before we spend our hard-earned money on it. 


So let’s take a look at some top-rated products, as assigned by sleep experts and consumer magazines:

The Best Mattress Topper (rated number one) by Tempur-Pedic: This is another excellent product, rated number three by most consumer magazines. It’s a small but powerful air mattress topper. It is made of memory foam, which has some excellent insulating properties. This is the best mattress topper that you’ll ever use, and it comes in at just under four dollars, making it a great buy if you need something very inexpensive but that will do wonders for your sleep needs.

The Best Mattress Topper (rated number two) by Foamex: This is a very reasonably priced foam topper. Like the Tempur-Pedic, it comes in just under four dollars, and it works like a combination of an air mattress and a pillow-top. What makes this item so unique though is that it has what is known as the Foamex’s “air pockets,” which are air-filled pockets at the top and bottom of each of its foams. This allows for extra comfort and a greater level of support while you’re sleeping.

Marisa Lascala

Marisa Lascala is a admin of She is a blogger, writer, managing director, and SEO executive. She loves to express her ideas and thoughts through her writings. She loves to get engaged with the readers who are seeking informative content on various niches over the internet.