Here Are 3 Common Myths Of Electric Vehicles Busted

Here Are 3 Common Myths Of Electric Vehicles Busted

It’s no surprise that everyone is looking to move toward greener alternative sources of energy. The planet is only getting warmer as time passes, and eventually, we will have no means of slowing down this progress. Even vehicles you drive contribute to carbon emissions.

Therefore electric cars are the saviours of our future. Though many people view electric cars as a luxury, they are becoming more and more economical as the year’s progress. 

The cost of batteries has been decreasing at a steady rate; in fact, it has been predicted that by the year 2025, electric vehicles will be cheaper than gas-powered vehicles. 

We are currently experiencing the greatest automotive revolution that we’ve seen in a long time. Jaguar plans on selling only electric vehicles starting in 2025. Volvo will follow suit and was quoted to say that by 2030, they will only produce electric cars. 

Ford announced last week that all of its European vehicles would be purely electric in the future. Now could be a good time to give your car to scrap car removal in gold coast!

This isn’t just a trend, and it isn’t just a fad because the industry leaders are going green first – or at least attempting to do so!

Like every new thing, EVs have raging rumours. So we are here to smash some common myths surrounding electric cars.

Electric Cars Are As Bad As Fossil Fuels Cars

This myth is telling because the whole point of changing our travel habits is to reduce our carbon footprint. 

Yes, the energy used to create power and electric vehicles is not truly emission-free. Certainly not! 

However, after production, you will be able to run the EV on sustainable energy without emitting harmful emissions, which is a win for both your health and the environment.

An Old Car Cause Way Less Pollution Than Making A New Car

No, that is not correct! While manufacturing the EV produces carbon emissions, it goes without saying that as your traditional car ages, it emits gases from the tailpipe into our atmosphere- which is not the case with EVs.

EVs are considered better for the environment because they do not produce any emissions when operating because an electric motor has no combustion and therefore no exhaust.

Should We Just Wait For Hydrogen Fuel Cars To Be Available

Yes, any alternative to traditional fuel-based vehicles is great news for us earthlings! 

However, the technology needed to create hydrogen fuel cell cars is complex and far behind electric vehicles.

 It will take a very long time for the technologies to be developed and implemented commercially. In addition, some places will probably need at least 15 to 20 years before they have a sufficient manufacturing procedure in place to produce clean hydrogen from renewable resources.

One of the most important things to consider when tackling the issue is how much it costs to refuelling. 

Hydrogen fuel will not be as cheap as a normal gas or diesel. Plus, hydrogen can be dangerous. It needs to be transported in specially formulated tanks. And it’s highly flammable! If there are leaks, they can’t be detected by smell or unattended looks at first sight. This could cause safety concerns raised.

Final Say 

We can see this in the automobile industry it’s time for us to adapt to the change. We hope we could dispel some of the most common misconceptions about EVS and put you at ease as you take the first step toward greener and cleaner options.

Marisa Lascala

Marisa Lascala is a admin of She is a blogger, writer, managing director, and SEO executive. She loves to express her ideas and thoughts through her writings. She loves to get engaged with the readers who are seeking informative content on various niches over the internet.