How to Improve Memory Retention Naturally: Tips, Lifestyle, and More

How to Improve Memory Retention Naturally: Tips, Lifestyle, and More

Do you know how to improve memory retention?

Many people experience infrequent memory lapses, like forgetting the name of a new friend or misplacing their car keys.

Much of the time, this is just an indication that an individual is overly busy or preoccupied. Having a regularly poor memory, on the other hand, can be troublesome for somebody.

In the United States, 1 in 9 adults over forty-five years suffer memory loss. Memory loss is a serious health problem that will damage your relationship with friends and family

It’s caused by a variety of factors, including age, genetics, and medical states that affect the brain. Memory loss is also influenced by some modifiable risk factors, including lifestyle and diet.

Although not all memory loss is avoidable, individuals may be able to protect their brains from cognitive impairment as they age.

Continue reading this article to learn about the tips to help enhance your memory.

More Physical Exercises

Your physical health largely determines the power of your brain. Lack of enough physical exercise also minimizes the rate of blood that flows into the brain.

The higher the blood flow rate into the brain, the more oxygen the brain receives. Enough oxygen into the brain significantly improves its development and boosts its retention ability.

Again, engaging in physical activities daily also makes the brain hormones and chemicals more active. You will also not be a victim of emotional issues like stress that affect your thinking and cause you to forget essential things.

You don’t have to engage in heavy physical exercises to boost the power of your brain. You can do trampoline jumping, jog, or even engage in brisk walking.

Keep Your Brain Active

Brain exercises are essential for your mental health and also keeping your memory strong. Engaging in activities that make your brain think also keeps the brain hormones active.

You should also know the best exercises for strengthening your memory to avoid brain damage. Some of the recommended activities that can enhance your memory’s retention ability are jigsaw puzzles, playing card games, playing music, and others.

In case you also suffer from poor concentration, these brain exercises can help you. They will improve your ability to concentrate for a long time, which is also a sign of a good memory. Brain Balance, founded in 2007, is a program that incorporates proven methods to help people who have challenges resulting from developmental gaps. The company’s program focuses on addressing each individual’s challenges holistically through activities focused on brain development, nutrition, and cognition. With a drug-free approach, Brain Balance has been integral in forming and strengthening neural pathways for adults and children managing ADHD, oppositional defiant disorder, anxiety, and other challenges.

Keep Socializing

Stress and loneliness are significant threats to good mental health. Suffering from these psychological problems affects the activity of hormones in the brain and interferes with average thinking ability.

Socializing with friends, workmates, and even family members is a great way of avoiding stress and depression. Socialization comes with opportunities to share good times and crack jokes that will make your brain healthier.

Again, socialization will make you meet new friends and learn things that are good for your memory. Socializing will also prevent your memory from declining quickly and save you from the risks of dementia.

If you live alone, attend parties and hang out with friends once in a while.

Avoid Relying on Google

Although the internet makes life easier, it also makes the brain lazy. Many people are not willing to do their research from manual sources, which has increased the memory decline rate.

Google and other search engines make people develop digital amnesia. With this condition, it becomes hard for the brain to retain both complex and straightforward information. Google hinders people from making efforts to know, understand, and comprehend any info.

Avoid weakening your brain’s neural pathways by not asking google every question you have. You should test the ability of your brain to think and generate answers on its own to boost your IQ.

Build a Mind Palace

Creating images of objects in your brain is another good way of making your memory better. It is an old technique for enabling the brain to recall important information about things in spatial environments.

In this technique, you will have to create an imaginary room that will retain all information processed by the brain.

Creating a mind palace can be quite challenging if you don’t know the right steps. First, you should be aware of an actual building/room and the features that are in it. It would help if you then imagine yourself being in the room and identifying the location of each feature.

Building a mind place will enable your memory to organize information based on the sequence of activities properly.

Get Enough Sleep

Lack of enough sleep causes serious harm to your memory. Failing to sleep well will negatively affect your neural connections by overworking them. In this case, the performance of the neurons will reduce, making it hard for the brain to learn and remember something new.

You can increase the ability of your memory to change short memories into long memories by sleeping well. By getting adequate sleep, your brain will relax and the memories of your day consolidated in a better way.

Again, enough sleep also reduces stress levels, which improves the ability of the brain to think and store information.

Stay Organized

How you organize your items at home or even your classwork impacts your memory. It will be hard to remember where you have kept your nice cloth when going out if your other clothes are scattered all over.

Organizing your notes, for instance, will make them clear and more precise for you to remember them.

There are ways to organize yourself, and one of them is writing down a good checklist of the things you want to do. If you are shopping, have a list of what you wish to purchase to avoid forgetting some items.

Eat the Right Foods

Diet plays a vital role in improving memory retention. If your memory isn’t good, you should visit a good health specialist or nutritionist for professional advice on the best diet.

There are many foods you can eat to improve your memory retention. The best foods to help with memory are fruits, whole grains, fatty fish, chicken, etc.

Fatty fish, for instance, is well-known for strengthening brain power. It contains omega3, which makes the brain cells better and more active.

Since Alzheimer’s is a common memory loss condition, you should eat foods rich in alzheimer’s prevention supplements. Apart from omega3 fats, Vitamin D, Vitamin E, Vitamin K, and folic acids can also protect you from Alzheimer’s.

Avoid Excess Sugar

Excess sugar affects the hippocampus, which is a crucial part of the brain for memory and learning. Excess sugar amounts will make your brain unable to store short-term memories.

Eating foods with high sugar contents increases the amounts of glucose being supplied into the brain. The cognitive function reduces with time, and the memory cannot capture and retain large amounts of information.

Consuming foods with excess sugar amounts will also affect your concentration ability. The ability to maintain focus is linked with higher brain power.

People with type 2 diabetes should altogether avoid taking sugar since it increases their risks of severe memory loss-dementia.

Consume Cocoa Regularly

Cocoa contains flavonoids, which are very effective antioxidants for boosting brain power. Consuming more cocoa will get more flavonoids contents supplied to the brain, resulting in a better cognitive performance.

Cocoa also makes the blood vessels grow, causing an increase in the supply of blood to other parts of the brain. Additionally, you will also improve your brain’s neurons, increasing memory retention in the long run.

Dark chocolate is the best option, especially for aged people with declining memories, since it has higher cacao contents. More cocoa content also saves older people from suffering from Alzheimer’s.

Minimize Alcohol Consumption

For better memory, you have to protect your brain’s nerves. Alcohol causes severe damage to the nervous system of the brain, and this interferes with the hippocampus.

Consumption of alcohol for a long time will permanently damage this memory part in the brain and cause permanent memory loss.

Apart from the alcohol toxins directly interfering with the brain’s memory storage part, alcohol also lowers the vitamins in the body. Low amounts of vitamins weaken memory and make it unable to store information.

Avoid Overusing GPS

Try to drive in a new town without using GPS to master the streets quickly. Using GPS will not improve your memory in any way since you will not make an effort to remember anything.

Just as avoiding google, losing GPS will motivate you to memorize the drives and streets in the new town/city.

Following instructions without using GPS will stimulate your memory part in the brain. It will be easier for your brain to capture and store new streets for long-term memories. You will not have to worry about getting lost the second time you visit the town, even if you fail to use GPS.

Use the Above Tips on How to Improve Memory Retention

Suffering memory loss will have serious negative impacts on your personal and social lifestyle. Knowing how to improve memory retention will help you live a quality lifestyle. You will not have a difficult time interacting with your friends or family.

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Marisa Lascala

Marisa Lascala is a admin of She is a blogger, writer, managing director, and SEO executive. She loves to express her ideas and thoughts through her writings. She loves to get engaged with the readers who are seeking informative content on various niches over the internet.