Indian Colonel Arrested for Raping Friend’s Wife

Indian Colonel Arrested for Raping Friend’s Wife

An Indian Army colonel has been arrested for allegedly raping a friend’s wife.

According to Indian media, this is blame on Colonel Neeraj, that he drugged his civilian friend after which he raped his Russian wife.

According to local police, the incident took place a few days ago, after which Colonel Neeraj kept trying to avoid arrest and during this, he was caught fleeing.

Police said that a team was formed to arrest Colonel Neeraj, who traced the mobile location of the accused and when he reached to arrest the accused, she locked the door from inside. However, a police team arrested him after some resistance.

According to police, the incident took place on Sunday in which the victim’s husband filed a case against the colonel stating that Colonel Neeraj had invited him and his wife to Officer Mess, where he gave the woman’s husband an intoxicating drink which made him unconscious.

Police says that Colonel Neeraj raped the woman after her husband fainted. While resisting, he also tortured the woman.

Marisa Lascala

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