Is Prison A Place For Reform?

Is Prison A Place For Reform?

Our prison system is admittedly not perfect, nor is the justice system. It’s our attempt at the best outcome, which raises the question: what is the point of the prison system anyway? Some would argue that prisoners should be given the opportunity to reform their lives so that when they come out they should be able to function as part of society. They shouldn’t be criminals for life. 


People Taking Advantage Of The Time

Some prisoners make the most of their time behind bars. Whether its simple things like Gucci Mane weight loss, or the many prisoners that have earned their GED while still behind bars, this is an inspiring thought. It gives prisoners a sense of purpose and allows them to imagine life after prison. As we’ve previously said, the prison system shouldn’t be a life sentence for everyone who gets in. They should be able to integrate into society and find means of surviving without resorting to crime. Of course, if the prisoner doesn’t have the willingness to change their ways, then there is so much we can do. The truth is, reforming someone from a life of crime to living by the rule of the law is easier said than done. 


Some People Can Never Integrate Into Society

If you’ve ever watches Shawshank Redemption, you’ll have noticed that Brooks (the older guy) couldn’t handle life out of prison and decided to commit suicide when he got out. While this may not be the case for every prisoner, there are plenty of inmates with very long sentences that can’t manage life outside of the prison system. After some time behind bars, they get accustomed to the rules that inmates have created for themselves. Also, once they are out, social stigma makes it more difficult for them to find legal gainful employment. Eventually they resort to crime and find themselves locked in a cycle of getting into and out of prison. 


Prison As A Form Of Slavery

One thing that critics of the current prison system will tell you is that prison is a form of a slavery. While the thirteenth amendment abolished slavery, it left the option of using slavery or involutary servitude as a form of punishment for crime. After slavery was abolished, prisoners are still considered in some way slaves. Ridiculous laws (such as those of the Jim Crow era) were designed to keep African Americans within the prison system. And since prisons in the US are privatized, they can use their prisoners as cheap labour—much the same way that slaves were used labourers. The sad truth is that the current prison system can be (and is ) misused. 


Final Thoughts

Prisons should be a place where criminals have a chance to change their ways. The punishment is in place to help them become a functional part of society when they come out. Unfortunately, reforming those who are accustomed to crime is not as easy as it sounds. Also, many companies that own prisons view the prisoners as labourers and do not care about their reform.

Marisa Lascala

Marisa Lascala is a admin of She is a blogger, writer, managing director, and SEO executive. She loves to express her ideas and thoughts through her writings. She loves to get engaged with the readers who are seeking informative content on various niches over the internet.