Latest Innovations and Styles in Vaping and Vape Juice

Latest Innovations and Styles in Vaping and Vape Juice

Not so long ago, the word ‘vaping’ would have meant nothing to most and would hold an entirely different meaning to some. These days, however, vaping is fast becoming a simultaneously, arguably, healthier choice to smoking as well as a genuine fashion choice.

Here are some of the latest innovations and styles in vaping technology and vaping juice that you can enjoy.

Customizable Vapes

There are a surprising number of vaping customizations available when you are in the market for a new vape tank, and now there is a new trend for customizing your e-liquid flavors and strengths too.

Online suppliers of all things related to vaping allow you to create your very own, custom-made e-juice online, no matter how random or fanciful the flavor combinations you desire. In addition, vape cases, holders, and even specialist vaping bags are available online and can now be customized exactly the same way as t-shirts and other more mainstream products can.

Mix Your Own Flavors at Home

Now vaping has become such a fashionable and hot topic amongst smokers attempting to quit smoking cigarettes; established suppliers such as blu cigs discount codes have significantly opened up, and now it is more than possible for you to create your very own e-liquid flavors in the comfort of your own home.

Not only will you afford pure magical alchemy skills, but you will also save re magical alchemy skills, but you will also save yourself money in the long run as creating and mixing your own e-liquid works out to be significantly cheaper than pre-bought bottles.

How To Create Your Own

There is a plethora of optional extras for mix-it-yourself vaping enthusiasts, but the fundamental principles of creating your own work out to be fairly simple:

  1. Assemble the basic equipment you will need, consisting of 5ml bottles (for the finished product) and 10ml bottles (for mixing and measuring), plastic gloves and syringes, a measuring jug, and some paper towels.
  2. Select a bottle of ‘nic shots’, which is essentially the nicotine element to you vape liquid (only if essential), and a bottle of vape juice favor concentrate in the taste you desire.
  3. Purchase a bottle of propylene glycol (PG) and a bottle of vegetable glycerin (VG), the former a thinner liquid that contains the flavor and the latter a thicker liquid that produces the vapor.
  4. Wearing your gloves, extract the desired PG and VG amounts and use the syringe to transfer both liquids to the measuring jug.
  5. After rinsing the syringe, select the desired amount of vape juice flavor concentrate and add any nicotine to the mixture (only if absolutely essential).
  6. Stir the mixture thoroughly, then, with a clean syringe, transfer the mixture to the 5ml bottle, seal the lid and shake to ensure the mixture is thoroughly bonded.

If you are using vaping as a way to quit smoking, you can control the amount of nicotine that you put into the mixture, so you can decrease it at your own  pace.

Marisa Lascala

Marisa Lascala is a admin of She is a blogger, writer, managing director, and SEO executive. She loves to express her ideas and thoughts through her writings. She loves to get engaged with the readers who are seeking informative content on various niches over the internet.