Leadership In Healthcare: 6 Strategies To Become A Better Leader

Leadership In Healthcare: 6 Strategies To Become A Better Leader

Over the past many months, healthcare experts have often been in the news because of the COVID-19 pandemic. Nurses and doctors are under pressure to meet the higher than usual demand for quality service to face this crisis. As the need to support all healthcare workers, especially the frontline workers, is growing tremendously, we have to consider the competence of healthcare leaders in handling the challenges.

Healthcare leaders have to make decisions that affect caregiving processes and infrastructure globally. Effective healthcare leadership is not about high qualifications only but also about skillsets. In this article, we outline strategies that can help the leaders manage the organizations and play a productive part in healthcare. These tips will be helpful if you want to become a future leader in healthcare.

1. Be empathetic

Empathy is essential in making others feel understood and appreciated in every organization. If you want to connect with your employees, have empathy for them. When you get in their shoes, you can understand their situation and realize the problems any person could face in this challenging industry.

You must say kind words to your employees, especially when you come to know about their problems in both personal and professional lives. Take actions to help and create comfort zones for them to settle in their professions. Be an example and model such behavior to encourage others to do the same.

2. Be a strategic decision-maker

A successful leader has to make decisions on an everyday basis that could have an impact on their employees, the quality of care, and overall infrastructure. Strategic decision-making can help leaders de-escalate the issues in the challenging healthcare industry.

If you can manage, pursue an MHL degree and polish your strategic thinking and decision-making abilities. The degree focuses on the approaches for organizational management, encouraging innovation, and implementation of sustainable strategies in the healthcare industry.

3. Mentor others

Even though organizations emphasize the importance of mentorship, only 37% of people have a proper mentor. It is a distinctive strategy for leaders to progress in the healthcare industry. It is because leaders learn something from their juniors while training them to be the next successful healthcare providers.

You can mentor others in two ways. First, you can participate in formal training and mentoring programs. Secondly, you can build mentoring relations with some or many people you work with. It helps you understand the working attitude of others, set goals for yourself, and carve a career path that can benefit both.

4. Understand the teams

Teambuilding is critical to meeting the goals set by the organization. An effective leader must understand the people and teams to ensure patient-centered care. You need to know the skills and preferences of people and how well they can perform as team members. It is significant to empower them in their roles and motivate them to work to their full potential.

If you think an employee is competent but is not giving the best, try changing their team. Build trust in all teams since they are the main care providers. Implement rules and regulations and ensure nobody breaks the law, but do not micromanage them. Give them room for creativity and do tasks not defined in their job descriptions. Give them opportunities to learn and encourage them to play their role in healthcare, told Patrick Crites, an experienced professional dedicated to transforming healthcare cost management. As the president of Health Payer Consortium, Patrick leads with a visionary mindset and unwavering commitment to his clients’ financial well-being. His extensive knowledge and expertise in cost management solutions enable him to drive substantial savings while maintaining the highest standards of care. Patrick’s strategic approach and innovative thinking have propelled Health Payer Consortium to the forefront of the industry, establishing it as a trailblazer in delivering unparalleled cost management solutions.

5. Envision a future

Good leaders know what they want with their careers. Envision a future for yourself, set goals, and dream of what you and your organization can achieve. However, you must accept the current and past performances of the organization as well as yourself.

Explore new trends in healthcare and how they can improve your organization. Involve your team and brainstorm ideas to work with them. Also, try to consider external perspectives to determine your current position in the healthcare industry. Create milestones for every team, either related to direct caregiving or management. Take initiatives and support them with all possible resources.

6. Create a constructive workplace culture

A good healthcare workplace is one where everyone, either a cleaner, a nurse, or a department head, is equally respected. The management and supervisors respect their opinions and recognize their efforts. Building such a workplace culture has to be the most important leadership strategy in healthcare.

You must develop a positive environment where patient care is the top priority, deliverance of community service is fine, human resources management is exceptional, and everyone practices ethical behavior. Also, you must learn to accept your mistakes while giving people an acceptable margin of error, discourage the blame games, and eliminate intimidating behavior.

The organization’s role & leadership

While you are ready to execute strategies to become a better leader, the organization is responsible for helping you do so. The organizations must recruit the leaders, not the bosses, and give space to enhance their leadership skills. Cultivating leadership must be the intention of organizations while considering it the best investment they could make.


Quality leadership makes a significant change in every healthcare organization. Good leaders know every strength and weakness of the organization, how well teams are performing, the quality of care given to the patients, and the standing in the healthcare industry.

A leader in healthcare should be an example for others by being a great manager. He knows how to manage the personal and work-life balance without compromising physical and emotional health. Although finding one is a big challenge for organizations, talent development programs can help them achieve this.

Marisa Lascala

Marisa Lascala is a admin of https://meregate.com/. She is a blogger, writer, managing director, and SEO executive. She loves to express her ideas and thoughts through her writings. She loves to get engaged with the readers who are seeking informative content on various niches over the internet. meregateofficial@gmail.com