Meeting a civil rights attorney in Las Vegas? Ask these questions!

Meeting a civil rights attorney in Las Vegas? Ask these questions!

Violation of your civil rights is not something to be taken for granted. This could refer to discrimination or sexual harassment at work, or something like police misconduct. Thankfully, you can find law firms in Nevada that take up civil rights lawsuits and can fight the battle, no matter who is on the other side. If you are hiring a Las Vegas civil rights attorney for the first time, you probably have your doubts. We have a list of questions you should ask when you meet a lawyer. 

  • What can you tell me about your experience? You need an attorney with relevant expertise and experience. In other words, they must have handled civil rights cases that are at least comparable to yours. For instance, if you want to sue a law enforcement officer for their misconduct, you need to know how many such cases the lawyer has won so far. 
  • What are your landmark cases? It is important to understand that many civil rights lawsuits are not about seeking financial compensation alone. Yes, a settlement is a big relief for the victim, but sometimes, justice is more than that. Lawyers often take cases that have merit on more than one ground. Ask the attorney about their success rate and landmark judgments. 
  • What are my legal options? That’s another valid question worth asking. Just because you were offended by a colleague’s comment doesn’t mean you have a case against them. In fact, evidence and situations related to civil rights violations are often more complicated. In many cases, lawyers advise clients against taking legal action because they don’t expect a great outcome. In other situations, a settlement or arbitration could be a better alternative. Knowing your legal options is critical. 
  • How much would you charge? Usually, civil rights lawyers take a contingency fee or charge an hourly rate. It depends on what’s expected of the case. There could be a case for which the lawyer may take a hybrid fee. Also, other expenses of the case, including the cost of litigation and investigation, may add up, and therefore, get those details in advance. 
  • Can you share a few references? While online reviews are really handy for comparing attorneys, you should ask for references too. A civil rights lawyer who has been practicing in Las Vegas for years wouldn’t mind talking about their cases. 

Hire a lawyer soon after the “incident” – You have limited time to file a civil rights case.

Marisa Lascala

Marisa Lascala is a admin of She is a blogger, writer, managing director, and SEO executive. She loves to express her ideas and thoughts through her writings. She loves to get engaged with the readers who are seeking informative content on various niches over the internet.