Moving Into A New Home? 10 Things You Need To Do ASAP

Moving Into A New Home? 10 Things You Need To Do ASAP

While packing and unpacking are crucial, taking care of other things while moving into a new home is equally necessary. You must understand how your new place functions and identify any issues. As a homeowner, it is your responsibility to maintain your house and avoid any damage. And the faster you do these tasks, the better it is for you. Use this opportunity to do some do-it-yourself projects to make the new place a utopia for your family. You can make a list and prioritize each item. Furthermore, your family members can also add their suggestions to the list. So, keep a notebook in a central location to write down each task.

Remember, every task is not equally important. Some items are necessary, while others can wait. As a rule of thumb, safety concerns and unpacking essentials are always at the top. Then come organization and maintenance issues. Last on the list are non-essential items, such as renovations and landscaping.

Some tasks may require immediate attention and the help of a professional. For example, issues such as water damage can cause mold and ruin your belongings. To prevent such a thing, try these water damage tips to take care of minor problems. Or call an expert to inspect your property for more significant problems before they get out of hand. Following are some steps you must follow when moving into a new home.

  1. Do a walkthrough: The first thing to do is do a walkthrough of the place when it is empty. So, do this step before you begin setting up everything and unpacking your items. Look at everything and double-check if there is any damage. Check all fixtures and outlets and see if they are functional or not. If you encounter some issues, call your realtor immediately. They will help you resolve the problem.
  2. Child and pet-proof the house: Homes have several hazards to children and pets. So, child and pet-proof the house when moving with pets and children. Create separate spaces for your children and pets, which are clear from any packing material. Remember to close all windows and take care of hanging cords. Keep sharp and delicate items out of reach to avoid accidents.
  3. Think about the floor plan: Most people wing everything when they move. Having a plan of action can save you a lot of trouble and time. Therefore, have a fundamental idea of what goes where before lugging heavy items. You can also take some time to visualize the space before making changes.
  4. Set up your utilities: Hopefully, you have updated your change of address before moving. Now it is time to ensure everything is ready to go. Contact your electricity, phone, and water providers to verify that the utilities are working. Remember to call your waste management facility to ask about garbage pickup days and timings.
  5. Look for the fuse box and water valve: You do not want to search for the fuse box and water valve during an emergency. So, it is better to identify their locations as soon as you move in. Most fuse boxes are in basements, garages, or storage rooms. Water valves are always somewhere around the periphery of the house.
  6. Clean the house: It is better to clean your place as soon as you move instead of putting it off. Put on your cleaning gloves and give your new home a good scrub from top to bottom. You can also hire cleaners to do the work for you. With a deep clean, you will be starting in your new home with a clean slate. Nothing beats a clean and clutter-free start.
  7. Organize repairs: moving into an old home means you’ll have to do a lot of repairs. After your initial walkthrough, you will have a general idea about what areas need touching-up. You do not have to start working on the projects as soon as possible. So, make a list of all the repairs and rank them according to necessity. Your list will put things in perspective and give you an idea about the state of the house and how long it will take to get things done.
  8. Change your locks: We live in a dangerous world. So, it is better to take care of your safety when you move. A previous owner may still have keys to the house. They may use them to enter your home without your permission. So, it is better to stay safe than sorry. Therefore, change the locks in your new home. Schedule a locksmith to change the locks on all doors and windows.
  9. Update your address: Most people set up their new address before moving day. If you have not, then now is the time to update your address. Notify everyone about your move, including subscription services and loan providers. Call your friends and family to tell them about your new place. People moving to different states will also need to contact the DMV for new licenses.
  10. Meet your neighbors: It is easier to meet your neighbors when you move in. You can host a small party to introduce yourself to everyone. Or you can introduce yourself when you run into them in the neighborhood. Your neighbors can also make your transition easier. They may also have recommendations for local services and food options.


Moving is stressful. But, you can avoid the hassle by following the tips mentioned above. Also, remember that your work will not end after you enter your new place. Instead, you will have a long to-do list to take care of necessary stuff. So, assess the site thoroughly to spot things that need fixing. Plan putting bulky stuff in advance. Update your utilities and address. Last but not least, try to get to know your neighbors.

Marisa Lascala

Marisa Lascala is a admin of She is a blogger, writer, managing director, and SEO executive. She loves to express her ideas and thoughts through her writings. She loves to get engaged with the readers who are seeking informative content on various niches over the internet.