Must-Know Legal Factors for Tourists Visiting Dubai

Must-Know Legal Factors for Tourists Visiting Dubai

Visiting Dubai has been a dream for everyone. And why not, as it is the best and most sought-after tourist destination in the Middle East for tourists around the world. Whenever someone plans to visit Dubai, there are much fun and adventurous plans that come to mind as Dubai has everything that anyone can fancy.


Dubai is also known as the safest destination in the Middle East while being the business hub of the United Arab Emirates too. Streets crimes such as snatching, pickpocketing, and theft are largely uncommon, and all praise to the laws and strict regulations that are always enforced for safeguarding the tourists as well as the inhabitants. Even traveling in public transport is safer as compared to several other countries irrespective of your timings. These, along with several others, are some of the primary reasons why Dubai has been considered the land of opportunities and a dream destination for tourists coming from different parts of the world.


However, Dubai isn’t just for the lavish lifestyle, luxurious places to visit, and whatnot. You must have to look out for several laws and regulations if you are a tourist or visiting Dubai for the first time.

Do’s and Don’ts to Know Beforehand When Visiting Dubai

The laws and regulations in the UAE are not widely known. There are several restrictions that a tourist or casual visitors have to be extremely careful about, or they will become a drowning factor for you. The top-class legal consultant Dubai steps forward and clears all the laws and regulations that tourists have to follow at all costs to avoid any uncertain circumstances.

a) Dressing Modestly

You must have heard that when in Rome, do as the Romans do. In a similar manner, when you are in Dubai or any other Emirate of the UAE, it is essential to follow the dressing etiquette of the United Arab Emirates. Dressing appropriately for both males and females is an obligation.

Dress appropriateness is required when you are out in public places or crowded places such as beaches. However, if you are in your resort or hotel, you are free to wear whatever you wish to. Particularly, you need to be careful about wearing swimsuits at public beaches and pools, but if it is a private setup, you can go with whatever pleases you. Moreover, topless sunbathing is also prohibited in the UAE.

b)Respect Local Traditions

Another factor to consider and be mindful of is respecting the local traditions of the UAE when visiting Dubai or any other city in the UAE. The traditions, customs, and culture are to make them connected with the people and area. When you are in Dubai, a pivotal factor to note is that UAE follows Islamic practice, and this makes it important for everyone to respect the Islamic traditions with conscious mind and effort, as violating it clearly sends a signal of offensive practice. For example, greeting everyone in an Islamic way exhibits your will to show respect and courtesy to everyone.

c) Drinking in Public is Outlawed 

Drinking in public places is prohibited in Dubai. In fact, it is considered a criminal offense, and the individuals will be punished and fined as per the law. This wouldn’t be the last thing you ever wish for being deported or jailed if found intoxicated in public.

Serving and consuming drinks at licensed restaurants and bars is allowed in the UAE. As a tourist, if you have consumed a few drinks while hanging around with your friends, the best thing is to book a cab and get back to your hotel without creating any fuss or ruckus.

d)Photography Where Permissible

Another bad practice that most people mostly find is clicking pictures without consent. This is something that might lead to severe results. It doesn’t matter how spell-binding the view is or aesthetic-worthy that picture might come. Taking pictures of locals, foreigners, or even certain buildings might get you into trouble. Moreover, many people consider it a bad practice if someone clicks their picture without even asking them.

e) Use of VPN is Not Allowed

If the list is to be made of the things that have no tolerance policy, the use of VPN would be among the top. Yes, the use of VPN in the UAE is strictly prohibited until or unless the institutions have exceptions. The use of VPNs can result in fines and punishments beyond expectations. The normal fines range from AED 500,000 to AED 2 million in total. The case would further deteriorate if the use of a VPN was for committing a crime or attempting to be someone. No matter what you want to use, if the domain or website is banned in the UAE, do not try to access it with means of a VPN.

f) Extra Caution for LGBTQ 

Now it is paramount to understand that UAE is not a racist country but holds strong laws and regulations for monitoring the activities being done publically. No matter where you are coming from, if you belong to the LGBTQ, you need to be extra cautious when coming to Dubai, UAE. Intimate activities in LGBTQ are illegal and punishable by imprisonment, deportation, fines, or even death in the UAE. However, these punishments are more for the Muslim defendants found guilty of adultery. So, just to be more restrained when coming to Dubai.

g) Publically Swearing is Forbidden 

Another thing to note is that swearing of any kind is strictly prohibited in the UAE, and some words, which are considered normal in western countries, are also considered offensive and will be dealt with accordingly. In UAE, swearing or abusing is considered disgracing or defaming a person’s honor or modesty. Moreover, in Article 373 of the Penal Code of UAE, swearing is a punishable offense that is punished by up to a year in prison and a fine as high as AED 10,000. Furthermore, flashing a middle finger is also an indecent gesture that breaches anyone’s respect and pride and also is punished by deportation, fine, and imprisonment.

The Decisive Takeaway

So, if you are a potential visitor planning on visiting Dubai any time soon, these are some of the points that you must have to look out for as, without doing prior research might get you into trouble and would ruin your vacation plan.

Marisa Lascala

Marisa Lascala is a admin of She is a blogger, writer, managing director, and SEO executive. She loves to express her ideas and thoughts through her writings. She loves to get engaged with the readers who are seeking informative content on various niches over the internet.