Steps To Take After A Commercial Truck Accident

Steps To Take After A Commercial Truck Accident

Commercial truck accidents are critical and can also be overwhelming. They are much more different than a typical car accident. However, the way you react after the accident is vital and will affect your compensation. It is easy to feel confused and hopeless after the accident. If you are confused about what to do after a commercial truck accident, contact truck accident lawyer Albuquerque to get help and guidance for other legal processes.

What necessary steps should you take after a commercial truck accident?

  • Do not leave the accident scene.

Do not leave the scene immediately if you are met with a commercial truck accident. Make sure you and your passengers are okay. You should move to a safer place from the accident spot. It is best to remove your car from the highway or the road to another side from the accident scene. You should alert other incoming vehicles by turning the hazard light to avoid more accidents. Call 911 as soon as possible. 

  • Seek medical help.

Check yourself and your passengers for any possible injuries. Some injury symptoms may also show up days or weeks after the accident. Once you seek medical help, your doctor can help diagnose your injuries and confirm they were carried out in the accident. If you wait too long to pursue medical assistance, your insurance company will doubt you and reject compensation. 

  • Gather every possible evidence.

Gather evidence in the form of pictures. Take every photo starting from scratches of your vehicle to any injuries of you or your passengers. Any cut or bruises could change shape, severity, and color over time, so it is crucial to capture photos right after it happens.

  • Exchange information.

When you are at the crash scene, exchange information with everyone involved in the accident. This step is essential because once the other parties try to leave, it will be hard to track them down. Getting their contact information will help you in receiving compensation. You should collect the following information.

  • Name, address, phone number, or email of the driver
  • Driver’s insurance company
  • Contact information of the driver’s employee
  • The license number of the truck

Do not sign anything before contacting your lawyer.

When a truck is involved in an accident, the trucking company will first get involved in the case. For this matter, they often mention that their insurance company will reach out to those involved in the accident and request a settlement offer. This way, it works in their favor and can eventually avoid a potentially costly and lengthy lawsuit that can affect their reputation. While they might request you to accept the offer, you should not sign anything. Politely inform them that you need to speak to your lawyer before agreeing to any settlement.

Marisa Lascala

Marisa Lascala is a admin of She is a blogger, writer, managing director, and SEO executive. She loves to express her ideas and thoughts through her writings. She loves to get engaged with the readers who are seeking informative content on various niches over the internet.