The Importance of Staffing Industry Trends and Why Flexibility Matters

The Importance of Staffing Industry Trends and Why Flexibility Matters

Hiring has gotten complicated for a lot of industries, and things only got worse once the pandemic started solely because of the health and social implications introduced to society to handle such an event.

Nowadays, although the pandemic and quarantine have settled down a little, and things have definitely improved overall, some of the changes introduced to employment are still present in today’s society, and a lot of people agree that some of them have become the norm, and not the exception.

This, of course, has influenced the way in which industries employ new employees, and a lot of professionals would argue that things have changed for the better, whereas some others have had bad experiences because of the way working is done.

In this article, however, we want to focus on how employers should be tackling the challenge of hiring new employees and discuss some industry trends that have definitely made things better for most people, especially when you know what mistakes you should be avoiding as an employer. But before we get into that, we should discuss what a staffing industry trend is, and why it is important to pay attention to them.

Trends in the World of Staffing

A trend in the world of staffing can be simply described as a popular course of action that is appealing to a wide range of people. These trends can definitely change based on the industry, but more often than not they involve common practices that are generally appreciated by employees, before and during any hiring process.

The reason why it is very important to pay attention to trends involving hiring processes is because it allows companies to remain relevant. Hiring is a very competitive field since most people want to be hired by the best companies out there, companies that provide the most benefits and the best incomes.

Thus, through studying trends, a company can develop their processes and offers to remain relevant while at the same time considering their own capabilities, reaching a balance between profits and a great working environment.

How COVID-19 the Working Field

With COVID-19 and the introduction of the quarantine and social distancing, a lot of companies had to adapt their processes to be able to remain afloat while at the same time ensuring the safety of their staff.

This, of course, was difficult for some industries, but many industries managed to adapt thanks to a practice that was very rare before COVID: Working from home. As shown in this article, it pretty much became a staple in a lot of industries, and now a lot of employees look to work for a company having the ability to work from home.

But did this practice manage to stick around, even after the pandemic had calmed down considerably and people had gotten their vaccine? Well, the reasoning is fairly simple yet understandable… Working from home is a lot more convenient!

People don’t spend a lot of time getting around to arrive at their jobs, and they have the chance to work comfortably in an environment where they can focus on their jobs while at the same time enjoying practices that would be impossible to enjoy in an office. Also, taking small breaks, getting to cook your own food, and being able to enjoy free time after clocking out are other great advantages to working from home.

Generally speaking, the benefits of said practice are just too many to ignore, and it has been proven that performance and productivity remained the same, and in some cases, it even improved thanks to people being more productive thanks to it!

For this reason, a lot of employees now look for companies that do provide the advantage of working from home. But at the end of the day, it comes down to one single thing: Flexibility.

Flexibility as the Most Important Trend

Flexibility involves many things, but as a general concept, it is the most important thing a company should be aware of to remain relevant in today’s competitive staffing scene, and if you still have your doubts, you should definitely check out for some insight on the matter. 

What can be described as flexibility, then? Well, flexibility is pretty much the practice of being able to adapt your procedures, as well as rules, all for the sake of creating a working environment that is healthy, appealing, and motivating for all your staff members.

This involves different things, but a couple things we can easily cover, include:

    • Flexible working hours. You don’t want to be tyrannical with the working hours, and although your employees should definitely be responsible with them, you have to understand that life is filled with events, some of which are unpleasant and cannot be expected or avoided.

      Thus, you want a working environment that is flexible enough to the point where your employees are not afraid of having to face said events without suffering repercussions! 
  • Allow a certain level of freedom. Some working places can be really stiff with rules, and this is a mistake considering that the world is filled with different types of people. Some people are ok with working at an office surrounded by people. But others perform better when they are left alone. Or when they are capable of enjoying music to avoid getting distracted by the noise produced by their surroundings.

    Adapting your company’s rules to allow people to do things is an essential process of creating a healthy and pleasant working place.
  • read more at: meregate 


Marisa Lascala

Marisa Lascala is a admin of She is a blogger, writer, managing director, and SEO executive. She loves to express her ideas and thoughts through her writings. She loves to get engaged with the readers who are seeking informative content on various niches over the internet.