Tips To Fix An Unhappy Romantic Life

Tips To Fix An Unhappy Romantic Life

If you have problems in your romantic relationship or in your love life in general, do not be discouraged. There are specific things you can do to fix your unhappy romantic life. If you focus on constantly talking about your unhappy love life, there will be no way to make your partner happy and you will always stay unhappy. On the other hand, if you focus on gratitude, you will be on the path to happiness.

Studies have shown that couples with a healthier relationship show appreciation more consistently, and practically, focus more on their partner and what they receive from each other every day, than on the problems that afflict them day by day.

The Evaluation

Below, we will show you a simple exercise or evaluation to be performed by both partners. This is something that only works if it comes from both sides. If you feel that at this moment your partner is not in the mood for much collaboration, give it time for your partner and you to let go of any negative feelings and try to respectfully and patiently convince your partner to participate in this exercise.

Once you have agreed, answer both of these questions:

1. Recognize the quality, value, meaning or magnitude of people and things.

  • What qualities of your partner were the ones that made you fall in love?
  • What value does he or she bring to your life?
  • How important is your partner’s contribution to your well-being?

Favorable Judgment

2. A favorable opinion or judgment from other people that know you both?

  • How do your best friends perceive your partner?
  • How does your partner interact with your family?

How does your partner interact with you most of all? Does your partner or you love to touch? Is that important to your love life? Well, no matter your answer, let’s reassure you that touching is one of the things that will help enhance your love life and most importantly, not just any touch, but the touch of a personal vibrator. Don’t be shy! This should be a normal thing in every situation because it adds a different dynamic to the meaning of touching and feeling.

Introduce Slowly

Recognition of each other’s values is important and so before you introduce the personal vibrator, you should make sure that your partner is comfortable with it. Introduce it slowly and back off a little, if your partner thinks it is too rushed. Take your time showing your partner how it is used. Reassure your partner that you will honor their wishes and that you are only trying to make things better for the relationship.

The Discussion

No one wants to talk about the elephant in the room, especially couples whose romantic life has dwindled and nothing exciting is happening in the bedroom anymore. However, you can be the initiator or else you both may end up in a therapist’s room, if you don’t take things into control. Instead of dwelling on the problem, it is time to start discussing the solution, which could definitely be a personal vibrator.

This is a private decision between two consenting adults and so the decision made will only be between the two of you and no one else. Be respectful and don’t start an argument over it, if your partner isn’t ready. Some people need to be slowly introduced to accepting the idea of using props to spruce up the bedroom. The discussion should be about the problem, the solution, and nothing else. However, once you both accept the decision and are ready to move ahead, it would be fun to shop for a personal vibrator together.

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Marisa Lascala

Marisa Lascala is a admin of She is a blogger, writer, managing director, and SEO executive. She loves to express her ideas and thoughts through her writings. She loves to get engaged with the readers who are seeking informative content on various niches over the internet.