Top 5 Safety Practices for Facility Operations

Top 5 Safety Practices for Facility Operations

20% of work-related deaths in the United States occur during facility construction operations. It’s, therefore, essential that you enhance the safety of your facility operations.

Operations on a new or already existing facility must happen in a safe environment. This is a process that requires effort, focus, and time. It’s also essential to do regular evaluations to determine the effectiveness of the measures.

So, what can you do to improve the safety of your facility operations? Here is what you need to know.

  1. Identifying and Assessing Hazards

Anything that can lead to injury, death, or destruction at your site is a hazard. The inability to identify hazards in time is one of the things that contribute to illness and injuries at workplaces. If the operations management had anticipated the hazard, they could have put preventive measures in place.

Consequently, you must identify and assess the main things that lead to accidents.

You can use the main tools of risk management to assess the potential danger of each hazard. The common practice is to use a risk matrix where you rank the hazards from most likely to least likely. This helps you to prioritize.

  1. Management Leadership

If you want your facility operations to be safe, you must involve facility management. The managers will come with resources, vision, and leadership. As they are doing that, they should be aware that health and safety are at the center of your construction operations.

OSHA and identify activities that the management must work on to provide a safe facility site. Generally, the management must communicate their desire to promote safety in the workplace. This desire must come to life in the form of a written facility operations management policy.

In addition, the managers must sign the document and send it to all involved parties. Therefore, the workers, contractors, and customers will know the safety priorities at the facility site.

  1. Involve the Workers

Your desire to have safe facility operations won’t succeed if you don’t involve the workers. They must know the safety practices and how they can implement them.

Involving workers will lead to better safety measures. That’s because workers are the ones who usually know many of the existing risks at the workplace. They may have interacted with the hazards as they go about their work.

Similarly, workers are the ones most likely to suffer when something goes wrong. As a result, each worker should have the right skills and equipment to respond to hazards.

  1. Craft a Hazard Management Plan

It would help if you came up with various measures to combat hazards. These plans should be recorded in a written document. The standard practice is to explain the most dangerous hazards first before moving to the less serious ones.

  1. Implement the Controls

Finally, you need to start putting the measures in place. Controls for severe hazards should happen first. However, it is important to use inexpensive and simple controls.

There’s a legal requirement to implement facility safety controls before you can begin working at the facility site.

Secure Your Facility Operations With the Right Safety Practices

Deaths and injuries are common during facility operations. You may be liable if it’s discovered that you didn’t implement safety measures. That’s why you must know the safety practices for facility operations.

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Marisa Lascala

Marisa Lascala is a admin of She is a blogger, writer, managing director, and SEO executive. She loves to express her ideas and thoughts through her writings. She loves to get engaged with the readers who are seeking informative content on various niches over the internet.