Trying to win your custody battle? Then avoid these 10 things that can sabotage your case!

Trying to win your custody battle? Then avoid these 10 things that can sabotage your case!

Going through a divorce is a testing time for any person, especially when it involves a custody battle. As the question is about custody and physical placement of children, couples are bound to have heated altercations.

Such irrational acts can hamper your case. According to the experts in child custody, here are the top 10 things you should avoid to make your case stronger in front of the judge:

1.Avoid spiteful conversations

Throughout the court proceedings, you will be enticed to get into spiteful conversations. Even if you yell at your ex, the judge will not have a positive attitude towards you.

2.Don’t introduce your children to new partners

Once the divorce undertakings begin, you might start dating again. But don’t introduce your children to new partners during this time. This can baffle them and might also cause unnecessary problems in court.

3.Avoid defacing your ex’s property

If you lose your temper and deface any property that is owned by your ex, he/she can leverage this to benefit their case. Hence, don’t deface any property owned by your ex.

4.Don’t prevent your ex from contacting the children

Your ex might have visitation rights, and they have a legal right to get in touch with your children. If you prevent them from doing so, the judge might hold you in contempt.

5.Avoid traveling with the children without informing your ex

In case you and your kids are going out of state, it is always better to inform your ex about your plans. Though they don’t have any legal right to restrict travel, it is always better to be safe than sorry.

6.Don’t pull out your children from organized plans

Your ex-spouse still has the right to take your children to scheduled activities. If you pull them out from these plans, you would pave the way for unnecessary conflicts during the ongoing proceedings.

7.Avoid neglecting child support

According to child custody lawyers, not paying child support will be seen as a violation by the court. This could turn the waves against you, and the judge might not rule in your favor.

8.Don’t engage in physical confrontations

Physical confrontations can lead to a restraining order, and the judge would most probably dictate against your case.

9.Avoid criticizing your ex to your friends and family

Criticizing your ex in front of common friends and family can eventually get inside the courtroom. If that relative is asked to testify against you, your chances of getting custody might get bleak.

10.Don’t alienate your ex

Judges acknowledge the emotional trauma children have to go through when either of the parents tries to alienate the other. So, it is recommended not to engage in such practices as it would undermine your child custody case. If you are looking for winning child custody then you must get in touch with an experienced child custody lawyers as your chances of winning will be on the brighter side!


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