Types of Anxiety Counselling Therapies That are Really Useful

Types of Anxiety Counselling Therapies That are Really Useful

The medical industry has made significant development and growth in the mental healthcare sector over the past decade. Years of work and persistence in this field have led to the formation of therapeutic techniques to help mental illness. While medication may be a necessity in the worst-case scenario, psychotherapy is the basic need to treat all types of mental illness. In this context, the list of anxiety counselling therapies is a long one! And professionals in Singapore have gained expertise in all of them. Additionally, some treatments are a breakthrough in this country itself! Let us learn about all these counselling therapies serviceable in treating anxiety.

Eye Movement Desensitisation and Reprocessing Therapy (EMDR)

EMDR therapy is an effective treatment for PTSD (Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder) patients. It involves several eye movements and recalling techniques. The psychologists ask patients to recall the frightful memories and past experiences that cause them discomfort while doing those eye movements. Experts claim that making the patients familiar with their trauma by diverting their attention reduces its impact on their minds. EMDR is one of the most successful anxiety counselling therapies.

Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT)

CBT is a traditional and proven anxiety counselling therapy used to uncover the gripping and unhealthful thoughts of the patients. It is effective on patients suffering from anxiety, depression, BPD, Schizophrenia, and PTSD. Therapists work on changing the thought process and enhancing the cognitive function of their patients using several methods.

Exposure Therapy

Many people develop a condition of OCD (Obsessive Compulsive Disorder) or phobias like Gamophobia (fear of commitment), Philophobia (fear of falling in love), etc., as a result of anxiety of PTSD. Therapists teach different methods to help them avoid ritualistic behaviours and gain freedom from all these fears.

Dialectical Behavioural Therapy

DBT is a popular methodical treatment used on patients with clinical depression and anxiety. It teaches a person to find a balance between acceptance and change. Therapists use different techniques and situation-based learning sessions to build a strong mental curve for their patients. It has the potential to reduce medication by 90%. Patients have claimed to experience long-lasting and significant effects in their condition.

Acceptance & Commitment Therapy (ACT)

ACT is an interactive and personal approach, opted by therapists to heal commitment fears and their inability to accept past events. It is kind of a rebuilding program where patients are pushed and motivated to see their values in life, find their goal and lead a healthy life. People who have survived a severe accident and suffered paralysis or loss of limbs often need this anxiety counselling to regain their confidence. Some therapists suggest to pen down their feelings,

Interpersonal Therapy

Interpersonal therapy is a part of counselling where a person’s condition is a result of his failed relationship or traumatic experience. Therapists teach social skills, emotional awareness and help patients regain their faith in love and family. People with a history of substance abuse and victims of domestic violence often need this treatment.

Psychodynamic Therapy

Past bitter experiences and trauma can lead a person to be negative and ill-mannered. Psychodynamic sessions involve communicative sessions and instances where the therapist makes patients realise how their behavioural changes are affecting their presence. It is successful in treating depressive disorders and anxiety.

Creative Arts Therapy

Art therapists deliver this anxiety counselling session to engage patients in creative tasks that will push them out of the mental abyss. This therapy improves cognitive function, improves self-esteem, builds social skills, resolves distress and conflicts. It works wonders on people with a budding artist within them!

Mentalization-Based Therapy

MBD is a systematic program that involves a technique called “mentalisation”. It is effective on people with anxiety and BPD (Bipolar Disorder) as well. The motive of this therapy is to help the patients understand their thoughts and emotions. Professionals rely on this process when the patient is suffering from his emotional trauma.

Group Therapy

Group Therapy is a popular tool used in mental health clinics. It is one of the most common anxiety counselling therapies that brings together survivors and people with similar struggles under one roof to share their experiences. It helps people realise they are not alone in this. People can share their stories, experiences and set an example that recovery is possible. The only disadvantage of this process is that it is not confidential.

Animal-Assisted Therapy

Patients with cancer or heart diseases may also suffer through anxiety and depression are often given animal-assisted therapies. Counsellors use trained pets and keep them with the patients in the hospital or at home. Spending time and playing with the animals releases stress and enriches the environment.

Anxiety counselling therapies are efficient and productive in helping patients all over the world. However, its effectiveness may differ depending upon the professional etiquette and expertise of the counsellor. One must lookout for the best clinics and online centres in Singapore to treat the condition. Get the best help possible!

Marisa Lascala

Marisa Lascala is a admin of https://meregate.com/. She is a blogger, writer, managing director, and SEO executive. She loves to express her ideas and thoughts through her writings. She loves to get engaged with the readers who are seeking informative content on various niches over the internet. meregateofficial@gmail.com