What Are the Most Common Hand Injuries? Your Essential Guide

What Are the Most Common Hand Injuries? Your Essential Guide

People are lending each other a hand. Hand injuries have decreased since 1990.

Yet 179 people out of 100,000 suffer from hand and wrist fractures. This statistic accounts for only a small number of hand injuries. You can help the decline in hand injuries once you know what the most common injuries are.

What exactly is a bruise? What should you do when your skin gets cut? What are twisting injuries and crushing injuries, and what are some treatments for them?

Answer these questions and you can prevent and manage hand injuries in little time. Here is your quick guide.


Your skin contains thousands of small blood vessels. You develop a bruise when some of these vessels break while the skin itself remains intact.

A bruise may induce some pain and muscle weakness. You should avoid using a bruised finger or palm until the bruise goes away. If you have a lingering or very painful bruise, you should go to a doctor.


Cuts occur when your skin breaks. A sharp object may pierce through your skin. Your skin may crack after you smack your hand into something, causing a cut.

The most apparent sign of a cut is bleeding. But you may also encounter numbness or weakness.

For a minor cut, you should apply pressure over the wound. Wrap a tissue or bandaid around it and hold it firm for a few seconds. The bleeding may stop, and you can leave the bandage in place.

You should seek medical attention for a deep, long, or exposed cut. Wrap a tourniquet around your injured hand and call for an ambulance.

Twisting Injuries

As the name suggests, twisting injuries occur when you twist your hand. You may twist your hand to swing a tennis racquet or pick up a falling object.

This can cause torn muscles or torn hand tendons. You may injure your fingers, wrist, or another part of your hand.

Torn muscles and tendons can hurt and impair your ability to move. You should rest your hand and apply ice every few minutes to reduce swelling. Talk to your doctor whenever you encounter significant pain or swelling.

Crushing Injuries

Crushing injuries occur when something falls on your hand. You may fall on your hand to catch yourself from hitting the ground. Someone may step on your hand.

Crushing injuries can damage hand bones. You may bruise your bones, or you may suffer from broken bones. You need medical intervention for a bone fracture, and you should get hand therapy to maintain your mobility.

The Most Common Hand Injuries

Hand injuries are everywhere. It is easy to sustain a bruise. But bruises do not cause too much damage, though they may hurt.

It is also easy to get a cut. If your cut is shallow, you can apply pressure and avoid extensive bleeding. You should go to a doctor for a deep wound.

Twisting injuries can cause damage to your tendons and muscles. Crushing injuries can break your bones. You should rest your hand after you twist or crush it.

There are plenty of other injuries you must know about. Hone your medical knowledge by following our coverage.

Marisa Lascala

Marisa Lascala is a admin of https://meregate.com/. She is a blogger, writer, managing director, and SEO executive. She loves to express her ideas and thoughts through her writings. She loves to get engaged with the readers who are seeking informative content on various niches over the internet. meregateofficial@gmail.com