What Is an EMF Field?

What Is an EMF Field?

You can’t see it or smell it, but they exist out in the world. Some types of radiation can make you sick while others don’t affect humans. Doctors have even used radiation in the medical field for over 100 years!

Most of our modern electronics emit small amounts of Electromagnetic fields (EMFs). But, what are EMFs and can they harm you?

We put together a quick guide to help you learn about an EMF field. Keep reading to learn everything you need to know.

What Is an EMF Field?

In short, an EMF is a term for invisible areas of energy produced by electricity. You can find this kind of radiation in places like power lines, cell phones, and even microwaves.

Almost all electronics emit some amount of EMFs these days. So, we’re surrounded by this kind of radiation all day, every day. But, there are no studies linking EMFs with any human illnesses.

Types of Electromagnetic Fields

There are 2 kinds of electric and magnetic fields we know of; ionizing and non-ionizing. Knowing the difference can help make you a little safer.

Ionizing EMFs

This kind of EMF is high-frequency radiation that could cause cellular damage with enough exposure. UV rays from the sun and X-rays have ionizing EMFs and you should limit your exposure whenever possible.

Non-Ionizing EMFs

This is the low-frequency version of EMF. Your cell phones, microwaves, and computers emit this kind of radiation. The Earth’s magnetic field is also a low-frequency EMF!

Are EMFs a Health Risk?

There’s a myth going around that cell phones and other technology emit dangerous levels of radiation. Over the years, many scientists have studied EMFs to determine if health risks exist. Today, no study has found linking evidence between EMFs and increased health risks.

Electronic devices don’t produce enough radiation to pose any human health hazard. Not even high voltage power lines give off enough radiation to increase the chances of getting cancer.

Tips for Staying Safe

Though the risk is low for most healthy adults, some people still worry about EMF radiation. For those people, there are a few ways to help mitigate the risk.

  • Reduce the use of your cell phone
  • Use a headset to answer cellphone calls
  • Request readings from the power company
  • Invest in EMF meters
  • Use sunscreen and protective clothing
  • Ask for a pat-down from security

Let Your Knowledge Radiate

You don’t have to excel in physics to understand the basics of radiation. Knowing as much as you help you make informed decisions, so spread the knowledge to everyone!

Now that you understand electromagnetic fields, they’re not as scary as the myths make them seem. All you need to do is mitigate the risk if you’re still worried about risk.

We hope you enjoyed reading this article and that you learned everything you needed to know about an EMF field. If you’re looking for more informative articles about technology, health, and more, check out the rest of our blog today!

Marisa Lascala

Marisa Lascala is a admin of https://meregate.com/. She is a blogger, writer, managing director, and SEO executive. She loves to express her ideas and thoughts through her writings. She loves to get engaged with the readers who are seeking informative content on various niches over the internet. meregateofficial@gmail.com