What Is The Ideal Time To Get A Prenatal Massage?

What Is The Ideal Time To Get A Prenatal Massage?

A prenatal massage therapy in NW Calgary or wherever you live is a massage specifically designed for pregnant women to help with the physical changes during pregnancy. It’s not like a typical massage, where you spend most of the time lying down on your stomach. Because the baby’s belly puts a lot of strain on the prominent blood veins that feed blood to the fetus, this is not feasible. With supporting cushions and pillows, a qualified massage therapist considers your changing shape and posture. The best time to have a prenatal massage and the advantages and frequency of therapy are discussed in this article.

Best Time To Get A Prenatal Massage

The third trimester is the final stage, and it lasts from months 7 to 9. The baby’s development continues at this stage, and they begin to alter their position in preparation for delivery. This is one of the most challenging times of pregnancy, and you will be pretty uncomfortable. The added weight of the baby pushes the hips out of alignment, changing your posture and dramatically affecting the rest of your body. A prenatal massage at a massage clinic in Calgary or elsewhere can assist with muscular aches and pains throughout the third trimester. The hips, lower back, and glutes are usually the focus of your physical therapist’s professional talents and massage methods.

Benefits of prenatal massage

It strengthens your lymphatic system to help flush out toxins and promotes blood circulation across the body to minimize edema. Prenatal massage is usually recommended once a month in the first trimester and twice a month in the second. Once you reach the third trimester, you must schedule weekly appointments with your doctor or physician until the baby is born. At 39 to 40 weeks of pregnancy, labor stimulation can be used in the massage. Maintaining good physical and mental alignment during your pregnancy will assist you in achieving critical milestones. One of the beautiful things about prenatal massage is that most ladies fall asleep quickly after that.

1. Lowers Stress

Massage has been demonstrated to reduce stress hormones and relax and loosen muscles. It can help with blood flow, vital during pregnancy, and maintain your lymphatic system in excellent shape. It also reassures you by reconnecting your mind and body.

2. Soothes Nerve Pain

Most women feel sciatic nerve discomfort throughout late pregnancy because the lower back and pelvic floor muscles support the uterus. The uterus’ added weight puts strain on the upper and lower leg muscles. This produces swelling in your legs and puts pressure on adjacent nerves, resulting in discomfort. A prenatal massage relieves tension in adjacent muscles, allowing irritated nerves to loosen up and reduce sciatic nerve discomfort.

3. Reduced Inflammation

Swelling of the joints is a frequent symptom for expecting moms in their third trimester. The increased pressure from a large uterus lowers blood circulation and places stress on the significant blood arteries throughout the body, resulting in joint swelling. A pregnant massage helps minimize the gathering of fluids around your swollen joints by stimulating soft tissues. This also allows the lymphatic system to cleanse the body of waste tissue.

4. Hormone Regulation

Prenatal massage affects the levels of stress and relaxation hormones, resulting in enhanced cardiovascular health and mood control. Prenatal massage can change hormone levels, leading to more minor delivery problems and low birth weight. Prenatal treatment that includes therapeutic massage benefits both the mother and the baby.

Is It Safe?

Having a prenatal massage at a massage clinic in Calgary or elsewhere improves cardiovascular health and mood regulation by affecting stress and relaxation hormone levels. Prenatal massage can cause positive hormonal changes, leading to fewer delivery complications and lower birth weight. Both the mother and the baby benefit from prenatal treatments that involve therapeutic massage.


Although you may have a massage in Calgary during your pregnancy, the third trimester is the best time to get one because significant changes occur during this period. Once you reach the third trimester, the countdown to birth will begin. With all the swelling, backaches, and irregular sleep patterns, a prenatal massage at massage places/wellness clinics in Calgary or elsewhere may benefit your general health and the unborn baby.

Marisa Lascala

Marisa Lascala is a admin of https://meregate.com/. She is a blogger, writer, managing director, and SEO executive. She loves to express her ideas and thoughts through her writings. She loves to get engaged with the readers who are seeking informative content on various niches over the internet. meregateofficial@gmail.com