Why Should You Check Your Car Tyres Regularly?

Why Should You Check Your Car Tyres Regularly?

Many drivers think that the health of tyres isn’t of great importance, forcing them to frequently overlook this aspect of their vehicles. However, the truth is that tyres are absolutely crucial for safety and security. This is the only part of the car that is constantly in contact with the road, and one that is particularly susceptible to damage and overall wear and tear. That is why keeping your tyres in good condition is so important. To make sure each journey is comfortable and smooth, here are some reasons why you should check your car tyres regularly, as well as some tips on how to perform the necessary inspections:

Tyre pressure

Checking your tyre pressure is one of the most important safety aspects. Not only will this reduce the chances of flat tyres, but it could also prevent blow-outs and explosions, particularly during the warmer months. When tyre pressure is checked regularly, you might be able to keep your tyres in good shape for longer and increase the safety of your vehicle.

In general, it’s recommended to perform a tyre pressure check once a month, as well as every time you plan on going on a long drive. This can be done with a pressure gauge, by comparing the reading with the guidelines given for your car to ensure the pressure is correct and your tyres are ready for the road.

Tyre alignment

Misalignment could potentially cause your tyres to wear out more quickly and more unevenly. While this doesn’t seem like a major issue at first, misaligned tyres could compromise your safety in your vehicle, as this could put undue stress on the suspension system, cause difficulty in steering, make your tyres unsafe, and increase the chances of incidents occurring on the road.

For these reasons, you should make sure that the alignment of your tyres is checked each time you take your car for servicing. You may also need to align them sooner if you notice any of the common signs, including uneven tyre wear, squeaky tyres, the vehicle pulling to one side, and a loose, uneven, or vibrating steering wheel.

Tread wear

Tyre treads tend to wear out over time; it’s an inevitable aspect of regular wear and tear. But when the tread depth is lower than recommended, it could present a serious danger on the road. The vehicle’s ability to brake and the tyres’ capability to grip surfaces will be significantly reduced, which may lead to accidents, especially in wet conditions.

In countries like Australia, where the road readiness of vehicles is regularly inspected, drivers tend to perform an e-safety check in Sydney to ensure their cars are in optimal condition. During this check, the tyres are carefully inspected as well, including the tread depth. You might want to consider a similar check every once in a while to ensure the overall safety of your vehicle.

Tyre balance

In countries across Europe, on the other hand, drivers tend to check the balance of their tyres regularly as well. This is likely due to their often economical and secure driving style, considering the fact that this inspection can prevent uneven and irregular tyre wear, and provide a safer and smoother ride overall.

If you’d like your tyres to last longer and save some money in the long run, consider getting your tyre balance checked by a professional after the first 5,000 km, and then each 10,000 km after. In case you feel any wobbling, vibrations, and turning of the steering wheel, those might be signs to get the tyre balance checked earlier.

Tyre valves

Although often overlooked, tyre valves are essential to keeping your tyres airtight and safe. Just like the other parts of your tyres, the valves will likely deteriorate over time as well, and could potentially cause unwanted leaks. That is why it’s crucial to check the tyre valves carefully.

This is usually done each time you change your tyres or get new ones. However, it wouldn’t hurt to also inspect your tyre valves periodically before driving. A professional will always perform this inspection when changing your tyres, but it’s also a particularly simple fix you could do yourself if you ever notice any leakage. While not that common, air is very easily detectable when it does escape.

As drivers, we don’t tend to pay as much attention to our tyres as we do to other parts of our vehicles. However, checking your car tyres regularly is clearly important for increasing safety and ensuring a pleasant ride, so use the guide above to perform frequent inspections.

Sonia Awan