Zopiclone or Nitrazepam: Which Suit Your Needs?

Zopiclone or Nitrazepam: Which Suit Your Needs?

Nitrazepam is used to treat short-term insomnia, if your insomnia is something that comes and goes then this medicine would be the best for you. Meanwhile, if your insomnia is long-term because of an illness, such as depression, then you are better off taking zopiclone. On the other hand, if you take much longer to fall asleep then you are better off using nitrazepam because it puts you to sleep in less than an hour meanwhile zopiclone may take up to an hour to do so.

A study was done on elderly patients whereby some were given zopiclone and some were given nitrazepam, in the end, both medications were very effective. However, in comparison to zopiclone, nitrazepam was devoid of any effects on neurological function. When using zopiclone, patients woke up feeling much better, feeling less tired and less drowsy. In this case, elderly patients will find that zopiclone will suit their needs much better than nitrazepam. 

From time to time a regular person may face some situations that may lead to anxiety but if that anxiety is making your life difficult, a doctor may prescribe zopiclone or nitrazepam. Whichever medication you choose, depends solely on you. Both these treatments are equally as effective and can do their jobs just as good as the other. Cost is also not an issue because when you buy from our pharmacy, all prices are low. 

More on Zopiclone and Nitrazepam

Zopiclone is a medication that is used to treat difficulty falling asleep. It is sold under the brand name Imovane, but you can also find this product under other trade names, such as Zimovane, Dopareel, Imovane, and many other names. Zopiclone’s molecular structure is different from benzodiazepine drugs and that is why it is classed as a non-benzodiazepine. The medication is only available to patients over the age of 18.

Nitrazepam is a drug that is sold under the brand name Mogadon, you can find this product on the market by many other names such as Somnite, Alodorm, Epam, Perform, and Nitrosun. This medicine is a hypnotic drug that falls in the benzodiazepine class and it is widely used to treat severe short-term insomnia and disabling anxiety. This product has calming properties as it is a sedative as well as amnestic properties, that induce forgetfulness.  The effects of this medication also relax skeletal muscles. This drug is mostly used in conjunction with other drugs. It works by relaxing your brain for people who have difficulty falling asleep. 

These medicines can increase your overall quality of life and can be ordered from our pharmacy without a prescription. 

How to Take Zopiclone 

Zopiclone is a pretty powerful drug so it should only be taken as instructed by your doctor. The usual dosage is 7.5mg which must be taken before going to bed with one glass full of water, this medicine takes an hour to start working, so if you are someone who takes hours to fall asleep when in bed this medication is definitely what you need.

There is also a lower dosage of 3.75mg, this may be taken by people who are not strong enough to handle the medication, for example, people who are over 65 years of age or people who have got liver or kidney problems. Consuming a lower dosage most of the time will reduce any risk of sleeping a lot as well as other undesirable effects. If you are the elderly or over the age of 65 then you should choose zopiclone because it offers a low dosage, which might also be very good for people who suffer from kidneys and liver.

Zopiclone is known to make other drugs less effective if taken together, this is another thing to consider if you are someone who is taking other drugs. On the other hand, nitrazepam can be taken with other pills without any issues. So, if you are someone who has been prescribed a lot of medication in this case you should definitely choose nitrazepam. This medication must not be taken for longer periods or the patient may develop tolerance to it which may lead to it not being effective in the long run.

Nitrazepam must be taken right before going to bed, this medicine will make sure that you sleep for up to 7 hours without any interruptions. This medicine takes about 30 minutes to take effect in your brain and the effects of it may last till the next day. Take nitrazepam as directed by your doctor with a cup full of water. If you continue taking this medicine for more than four weeks it may become less and less effective in the long run.

Side Effects of These Medications

Side effects are secondary symptoms, which are experienced in conjunction with the primary effects. The adverse effects of these medication are mild in severity. They are less likely to occur if you take the medicine correctly.

Zopiclone side effects include:

  • Dizziness
  • Daytime drowsiness
  • Dry mouth 
  • Bitter taste
  • Headache

Some of the nitrazepam side effects are:

  • Sedation
  • Dizziness
  • Unsteadiness

If you are pregnant or trying to have a baby it is advised to speak to your doctor first before you decide to take zopiclone or nitrazepam. Do not take either medication if you are going to drive or operate any heavy machinery.

Buy Zopiclone or Nitrazepam Online Today

If you’ve made already made a decision on whether to buy zopiclone or nitrazepam, the next step is to finally make the purchase. Good news is you do not have to visit your doctor’s office to obtain a prescription. You can buy these medications from us without a prescription. 

You can easily buy these drugs on our online pharmacy. The process is straightforward and allows you to save money. We accept MasterCard, Visa, Bitcoin and bank transfers if you are in the United Kingdom. 

What are you waiting for? Buy from us today and we will have your medication delivered to you in no time.

Marisa Lascala

Marisa Lascala is a admin of https://meregate.com/. She is a blogger, writer, managing director, and SEO executive. She loves to express her ideas and thoughts through her writings. She loves to get engaged with the readers who are seeking informative content on various niches over the internet. meregateofficial@gmail.com