5 Common Dry Skin Conditions and How They’re Treated

5 Common Dry Skin Conditions and How They’re Treated

It is a known fact that skin conditions affect people of all ages, races, and gender. Dry skin conditions are common and can be a result of several different causes.

Although some of the skin diseases or conditions are not preventable, proper care of the skin is vital. You can get dry skin from swimming, diet, contact or it can also be hereditary.

Your skin is important, and you need to keep it looking and feeling healthy. This way you can be sure that you always look good. Using too many skincare products is not advisable because the products will close your pores.

You will find that you are getting breakouts, and the products may be too harsh for your skin. The best product for your skin is sunscreen because it will protect your skin from the harsh rays of the sun. This will also prevent you from getting dry skin from swimming.

Keep reading for more.

Common Dry Skin Conditions and Their Treatment

Dry skin conditions can affect anyone and that’s why they are common. You need to ensure that you keep your skin moisturized no matter what you are doing. The following are some dry skin conditions and how you can treat them:

  1. Sunburn

Most people know that it is easy to prevent sunburn than it is to treat it. This is why many companies will encourage you to use diy burn relief cream and sunscreen when you are going out during the summer.

It does not matter whether you are going to the beach or for a walk around the block. You can get sunburn anytime when the sun is out.

When you go swimming, your skin is exposed and you should use sunscreen to help protect it. If you feel pain or notice that your skin is peeling after being in the sun. You can visit the site for tips on taking care of dry skin from swimming.

It means that you have a sunburn and you need to seek treatment. First, step out of the sun and find a shade and take a cool bath with mild soap. Drink a lot of fluids and apply an oil-free moisturizer to your skin.

You can also apply aloe Vera gel while the skin oils still damp. If you have blisters or scratches, fever, or chills, you need to see a doctor. Do not pot the blisters because it may cause infection.

  1. Atopic Dermatitis

This is a dry skin condition that causes the skin to have bumps and patches and also turn red. It is a severe skin condition that might lead you to get infections if not treated promptly.

The condition mostly affects kids and it can be inherited or caused by allergens or skin irritants. You may have also a dry hand skin condition because of irritations.

Even as you take care of your skin from the outside, you also need to ensure you start from the inside out. When you eat well-balanced food, you will keep your body healthier, and this will show on your skin.

Drink enough water so that your skin is hydrated and your skin will look more radiant. Get help from a doctor so that you can get cream to treat any infections.

  1. Dry Skin Xerosis Condition

The Xerosis dry skin condition is a term used for an abnormally dry skin condition. This condition affects mostly adults because it is caused by environmental conditions.

As you grow older your skin loses the ability to retain moisture. This is most people may have a problem maintaining smooth skin.

The skin becomes dry and rough because it loses oils and water. The condition is most common during winter.

During winter, you should take shorter showers with lukewarm water. This will help prevent xerosis and you should also use moisturizers to relieve the skin when it is dry.

Use oil-based creams and ensure that they have lactic acid and urea. You can apply hydrocortisone if the skin becomes itchy or seek medical help to get a recommendation for a better cream.

  1. Basal Cell Carcinoma

This is a condition of dry scaly skin that grows in the upper basal cells. It is mainly caused by too much exposure to the sun or tanning beds but is curable. You may notice red scaly sores on your ears, nose, head, and neck.

Your skin needs a good moisturizer any time of the day or night, and you need to avoid using heavy lotions when you are going to bed. In this way, you can give your skin time to breathe, which will pay off in the long run.

Your skin will be free of blemishes and breakouts and you can avoid dry skin. When you have this condition you may need surgery or radiation for larger areas. For smaller ones, you can get a prescription for medication that you can apply to the affected areas.

  1. Athlete’s Foot

This is a dry skin condition that affects the skin and is caused by a fungus. The foot will become dry and flaky on the soles with time. People with athlete’s foot feel itchiness between the toes and the skin becomes flaky.

If you are affected, you can use creams recommended by a pharmacist or a doctor to take care of it. If you have blisters, you may need to stay away from closed shoes for a while. Ensure that you do not share rugs and towels if you are prone to this skin condition.

Keep Your Skin Healthy With the Right Care

Keep a close eye on the products you use on your skin. Ensure that they are suitable for you to have great-looking skin in the end. A good diet for dry skin conditions should be fruits, vegetables, and enough fluids.

Your skin is very important and you need to do all you can to make sure it is protected. No matter the type of skin you have; you can always find ways and remedies to keep it looking better and healthier and prevent dry skin conditions.

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Marisa Lascala

Marisa Lascala is a admin of https://meregate.com/. She is a blogger, writer, managing director, and SEO executive. She loves to express her ideas and thoughts through her writings. She loves to get engaged with the readers who are seeking informative content on various niches over the internet. meregateofficial@gmail.com