5 Essential Self Defense Tips Everybody Should Know

5 Essential Self Defense Tips Everybody Should Know

According to reports, 45% of women and 22% of men have experienced sexual violence during their lives.

It’s important to be prepared for anything, but sometimes it’s hard to know where to start.

You never know when you might find yourself in a dangerous situation. One minute you’re walking home from work, and the next you’re being mugged.

This can be incredibly scary, but don’t worry. Keep reading for 5 essential self defense tips that can help you stay safe in any situation.

  1. Stay Alert and Aware of Your Surroundings at All Times

This is the first and most important step in preventing an attack from happening in the first place. If you see something or someone that makes you feel uncomfortable, remove yourself from the situation as quickly as possible.

One of the best things you can do in this situation is to trust your gut instinct. If something feels off, it probably is.

  1. Be Assertive and Stand Up for Yourself

If someone is harassing you or making you feel unsafe, don’t be afraid to speak up and tell them to stop. It’s important to project a confident image, even if you’re feeling scared inside.

And when you’re out in public, make a point to keep your head up and avoid looking down at your phone or the ground. This will help you stay more aware of your surroundings and also make you appear confident to potential attackers.

3. Know Your Weaknesses and Strengths

It’s important to know your limitations and what you’re capable of in a self defense situation. If you’re smaller or weaker than your attacker, try to use your agility and speed to your advantage.

However, if you are bigger than the attacker, you should use your size and strength to overpower them. This is important because you don’t want to go into a self defense situation feeling like you’re at a disadvantage.

4. Have a Plan

If you find yourself in a dangerous situation, it’s helpful to have a plan of action already mapped out in your head. This could include running away, screaming for help, or trying to escape.

So, when you are in this type of situation, try and assess your surroundings quickly and look for an escape route. And if you can’t find one, then be prepared to fight back and defend yourself.

5. Be Prepared to Fight Back

If all else fails, be prepared to fight back with everything you’ve got. Use whatever weapons are available to you (fists, feet, teeth, etc.), and don’t give up until your attacker is incapacitated or gone.

This may be against your nature but it’s important to remember that your safety is at stake. So, do whatever it takes to make sure you come out of the situation alive.

It’s always incredibly helpful to arm yourself with pepper spray in case of an attack. Be sure to check out fazerdefense.com

Learn the Art of Self Defense

While we hope you never have to use this self defense training, it’s important to be prepared in case of an attack. Remember, most important thing is to stay calm and think clearly. If you can get away safely, do so.

We hope you never have to use this information but please be safe and always aware of your surroundings.

For more safety and security advice, check out our blog!


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