7 Telltale Signs It’s Time for Your Loved on to Go to Rehab

7 Telltale Signs It’s Time for Your Loved on to Go to Rehab

In 2019 more than 70,000 people died from a drug overdose in America.

Even more unfortunate is that these deaths could have been prevented if only these people had acquired the help they needed. All these people needed was someone to push them to go to rehab. The challenge is that most addicts are usually in denial about having a problem.

So, it’s almost impossible for loved ones to know when to intervene. Besides, it’s easy to dismiss some early signs of drug and alcohol addiction and assume it’s nothing. The issue is that it may be too late by the time you decide to help this person.

Save a life by learning these seven telltale signs; it’s time for your loved one to go to rehab.

  1. Destructive Behavior

One of the early signs of drugs and alcohol abuse is a disregard for human life. Addicts tend to do things that endanger their lives and those around them. For example, addicts tend to start fights with strangers or drive cars while under the influence.

So, if you notice that your loved one is partaking dangerous activities, you should take action. You want to know what’s causing such a habit and how to help. Once you discover that this person is abusing drugs or alcohol, you should consider taking them to rehab.

You want them to access a professional addiction coach for help on how to overcome this problem. The expert will guide your loved one to uncover the root cause of destructive behavior. Besides, they’ll get help on how to establish a support structure once they leave the rehab.

  1. Neglecting Vital Responsibilities

Maybe your loved one tends to disappear for days without reason, and they miss work. When they return, they don’t explain, and they look beaten down. Or they keep missing key activities such as picking their kids from school.

When you notice this behavior, there’s a high chance your loved one is abusing drugs or alcohol. That’s why they’re prioritizing drugs or alcohol over things that matter to them. If this behavior continues, this person will lose their job and end up damaging key relationships.

That’s why when you notice this sign, you should take action and start looking for the best rehab facility. You want your loved one to get help from professionals on how to overcome the addiction problem.

  1. Mood Swings

Maybe you’ve noticed that lately, a loved one tends to get easily irritated even over minor issues. So, this person ends up overreacting and doesn’t show remorse for their behavior. When you notice this sign, it’s time for an addiction intervention.

However, understand it’s challenging for you to offer this person the help they need. That’s why you should consider taking this person to an inpatient rehab center. You want to help them move away from the stressful environment which is causing them to abuse drugs or alcohol.

  1. Spending Time with Other Drug and Alcohol Addicts

It’s worrying when you notice that a loved one spends a lot of time around people who abuse drugs or alcohol. The reason is that there’s a high chance that your loved one, too, is abusing alcohol or drugs. Or they will be influenced into using soon.

The challenge is that your loved one will fight against your advice to stop hanging around such people. That’s why you should consider taking this person to an inpatient rehab center. The objective is to move them away from the bad company.

  1. Chronic Lying Especially About Alcohol and Drug Abuse

Many drug addicts tend to become chronic liars in an attempt to hide their problems. They lie about using drugs and their whereabouts. They lie about who they spend their time with and what they are doing.

What’s even more unfortunate is when they’re caught lying, they tell more lies instead of coming clean. So, if you notice that your loved one has this behavior, consider that they’re abusing drugs or alcohol. The problem is that trying to confront them about the lies and drug abuse won’t help as they just deny it.

  1. Physical Signs of Drug Abuse

Drug and alcohol abuse causes people to ignore personal grooming and hygiene. That’s why many addicts will go for days without showering and changing their clothes. Others have long and unkempt hair and don’t even brush their teeth.

So, there is a problem when you notice your loved one is neglecting personal hygiene. Besides, this person may have numerous flesh wounds and scars on their body. So, when you notice these physical signs, it’s time to take action and seek professional help.

You’ll therefore need to search for a reputable drug rehabilitation center near you. You want to find a center that offers holistic drug and alcohol addiction treatment. So, your loved one will get help and recover from an alcohol or drugs addiction.

  1. Financial Strains due to Spending Money on Drugs or Alcohol

Drugs and alcohol addiction causes people to ignore working, and they start experiencing money problems. So, these people start borrowing money from friends and relatives to buy drugs and alcohol. Others even take extreme actions to get money, such as selling valuable items and stealing.

So, if you notice any of these signs, consider the chance that your loved one is abusing drugs. So, it’s time to advise them to go to rehab. The idea is to get the help that helps them get their life in order by overcoming the addiction.

Help a Loved One by Advising them to Go to Rehab

Knowing when to advise your loved one to go to rehab may help save their life. You want them to access professional addiction treatment. Besides, by going to rehab, the loved one will get advice on how to create a reliable support structure at home.

So, strive to know the key things that direct you to find the best rehab facility near you.

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Marisa Lascala

Marisa Lascala is a admin of https://meregate.com/. She is a blogger, writer, managing director, and SEO executive. She loves to express her ideas and thoughts through her writings. She loves to get engaged with the readers who are seeking informative content on various niches over the internet. meregateofficial@gmail.com