9 Tips For Nurses To Stay Healthy While Advancing Their Careers

9 Tips For Nurses To Stay Healthy While Advancing Their Careers

Nursing is a rewarding and flexible career that provides endless opportunities and job security. Nurses are an integral part of the core of the healthcare system. Therefore, they are needed in numerous places, for example, hospitals, clinics, nursing homes, and schools. Nurses manage it all, from tackling emergencies in a hospital to treating sick children in a school setting.

However, these responsibilities sometimes take a toll on nurses’ health. According to NCBI, nurses have an increased risk for incommunicable diseases, poor eating habits, obesity, and poor physical activity. To avoid such circumstances, nurses must take steps to take care of their well-being while advancing their careers.

Like any other profession, nursing requires constant up-to-date knowledge, skills, and experience. If you have the urge to achieve success in your career, earn a good salary, and enhance your skills, you need a plan. Here are a few ways that help you accustom to the ever-changing niche of your nursing profession without compromising your health:

  1. Prepare a plan

To take your nursing career to the next level, you should make a plan to jot down your options. It will help you get on the right track. Ask yourself: “Am I looking for a better salary or a new skill?” If the answer to this question is yes, enrolling in an RN to BSN degree will provide you with the necessary knowledge and skills to climb the ladder and secure a better job.

According to PayScale, an entry-level RN nurse earns about $27.70, which rises to $36.40 with more experience and skills. Therefore, once you have figured out what you are aiming for in your career, accomplishing your goals will be like slicing a piece of cake. You will feel satisfied mentally and physically without constantly stressing out.

  1. Prioritize your tasks

Prioritizing is the key to work-life balance. It will help you give more time to other things, for example, meeting your spouse and children alongside your career. The healthcare system is full of unpredictable scenarios and emergencies, and prioritizing tasks will help you get the most out of your work. It will help you deal with the increasing workload and make long shifts easier by getting work done on time and also getting enough time to sleep. Therefore, to manage tasks while staying healthy, you should prioritize and schedule tasks accordingly.

  1. Protect your emotional health

As a nurse, you will endure a lot of emotional and tormenting scenarios throughout your career. According to NCBI, approximately 38% of the nurses had anxiety, and nearly the same proportion; 41% had major depression. However, simply taking care of your emotional health and prioritizing it will assist you in difficult situations.

You can lighten your mood by calling a friend or loved one and watching a comedy series/movie. If the workload is constantly stressing you out, taking a short stroll outside and breathing clean air will help you clear your mind. Try to keep your work and personal life separate and intentionally distract yourself from thinking about work-life scenarios or pending tasks.

If you have trouble processing painful situations at work, try journaling. You can hang around with friends and family and exercise to help your brain relax. If you feel too overwhelmed and need more help, try talking to a counselor or mental health professional.

  1. Meet your loved ones

Nurses are always busy with day-to-day tasks and night duties. Because of the challenging nature of their careers, nurses have to be vigilant and available to deal with emergencies and get little to no time for relaxation or meeting their loved ones. However, this state of constant work and no interaction with your loved ones will damage your mental well-being. According to American Psychological Association, strong social support in times of crisis can help people deal with traumatic disorders like PTSD. Therefore, having social support will help you perform better and contribute to your mental health.

  1. Take breaks

Are you burned out and tired by late-night shifts and an immense workload? Well, chances are you need a break. You can start by taking restorative breaks. For example, when you are on duty, you can take time out of 5-10 minutes to practice breathing exercises, drink some water, and stretch to avoid tiredness.

Secondly, you can take a formal break to hang around with fellow nurses go for coffee with a friend to take your mind off work. You can also meditate to release some tension and stress during working hours. Lastly, utilize your vacation leave and visit new countries and cities to freshen up, be happy, and enjoy the beauty of life.

According to a 2013 study, 80% of people claimed that travel improves their outlook on life, and 75% said it helps to reduce stress. Therefore, taking a break without compromising your career will help you become a better nurse.

  1. Sleep properly

Sleep is very crucial for working and giving your best. Nurses have to keep up with late-night shifts, and poor sleep can affect their performance and health. According to the National Sleep Foundation, seven to nine hours of sleep is mandatory for adults. Therefore, a proper sleep cycle and nutrition can help nurses overcome hospital-acquired illnesses, tiredness, and poor health.

  1. Proper nutrition

Proper nutrition is the key to survival. Nurses should consume a balanced diet to avoid illnesses, obesity, mobility issues, and overall tiredness. Good food will contribute to a good mood and the overall-working capacity of nurses. According to Springer Nature, healthy food choices like fruits and vegetables have health-related benefits that contribute to long-term investment in future well-being. Hence, nutritious food will increase work efficiency and improve health.

  1. Manage stress

The healthcare system is full of stressful situations, for example, cancer patients, paralyzed or elderly patients with neurological diseases, and children with different illnesses. A nurse needs to deal with them politely and carefully without getting stressed. To release stress, nurses can opt for other activities, for example, exercising or using stress balls. It will help calm your nerves down, and you will perform your duties efficiently.

  1. Learn to say no

Nurses have to go through several things without saying a word to their patients. However, learn to say no to teasing attendants or anyone who approaches you after your shift is over. Enjoy your leisure time for your mental and physical health, and continue with a fresh mind in your next work period.


Nurses are the superheroes of the healthcare system, and they need to be healthy and fit to perform their duties. Hence, proper sleep, food, stress management, and prioritizing tasks will help nurses work efficiently and with good health and a fresh mind. These tips can help nurses progress their careers with ease.

Marisa Lascala

Marisa Lascala is a admin of https://meregate.com/. She is a blogger, writer, managing director, and SEO executive. She loves to express her ideas and thoughts through her writings. She loves to get engaged with the readers who are seeking informative content on various niches over the internet. meregateofficial@gmail.com