Difference Between in-Practice and At-Home Teeth Straightening

Difference Between in-Practice and At-Home Teeth Straightening

A lot of home teeth straightening options are now available, but there are several concerns about their safety and effectiveness. The home teeth straighten solution may be similar to in-practice teeth straightening, but you need to understand how they work to know if they are suitable for you.

How do at-home teeth straightening solutions work?

To get at-home teeth straightening kit, you need to fill out a form online, and the kit provider will send the teeth straightening kit to you if they find you suitable for the treatment. You will take your teeth impressions at home and send them to the kit manufacturer for analysis. To get some at-home teeth straightening kit, you may need to visit a clinic approved by the provider to get a scan.

After the provider reviews your teeth impression, they will send you a set of removable plastic aligners by post, and, then after your treatment, they may offer you removable retainers to wear at night to prevent a relapse. However, before you commit to an at-home teeth-straightening solution, visit an orthodontist for a thorough examination of your teeth.

Are at-home teeth-straightening solution effective and safe?

The solutions for straightening the teeth at home include clear aligners, and they are usually suitable for people with mild orthodontic issues. You may need orthodontic treatment for different reasons such as bite or gap issues, or overcrowding and each orthodontic issue is unique. There are also various treatment options for each orthodontic issue, so you need to be sure the treatment you choose is effective and safe.

To get suitable treatment, it may be best to visit an orthodontist for a professional consultation. Your orthodontist is in the best place to recommend different treatment options and help you choose the right one for you. An orthodontist will always perform a thorough examination on the patient and perform diagnostics test, which usually involves x-rays, scans and taking photographs of your teeth. This helps the orthodontist ensure that the patient does not have an underlying dental issue which may affect their treatment.

It may be dangerous to opt for an at-home teeth-straightening solution when you have a complex orthodontic issue. Getting the wrong orthodontic treatment or one that doesn’t suit you may cause more damage to your teeth, so always opt for professional treatment from an orthodontist.

What are the differences between at-home and in-practice teeth straightening?

Here are the main differences between straightening your teeth at home and a dental clinic.

  • Choice

At-home teeth straightening options are usually suitable for only minor orthodontic issues. However, in-practice teeth straightening is suitable for different kinds of orthodontic issues, including the complicated ones.

  • Treatment journey

During in-practice teeth straightening treatment, you will have regular appointments, and there will be a professional to monitor the teeth straightening process.

  • Price

The cost of straightening the teeth at home and a dental clinic are different, and this is because of the difference in the care involved and the teeth straightening technique.

  • Bespoke care

When you undergo in-practice teeth straightening, you have an orthodontist to monitor your progress and make necessary adjustments to your orthodontic device. You can also ask questions about your treatment and know what to expect.

  • Reassurance

Most persons who straighten their teeth at home may not be confident to follow their treatment plan because there is no professional to monitor the process, but, with in-practice teeth straightening treatment, orthodontist gives the patient reassurance about their treatment.

In-practice teeth straightening involves an initial consultation with the specialist orthodontist and regular visits throughout the treatment. During the treatment, you have to visit your orthodontist every 6 – 8 weeks and this help to ensure that you get your desired result.

During any orthodontic treatment, it is usually difficult to know the actual way the teeth will move. The regular appointment will help the orthodontist know your teeth movement and make the necessary changes to your treatment plan to ensure that your teeth move to their perfect position. Your orthodontist may need to adjust braces and add tooth-coloured attachments to help reshape your teeth.

What are the benefits of in-practice teeth straightening?

There are about three main benefits of in-practice teeth straightening, and they include:

  • Safety

The orthodontist will first take x-rays then recommend a suitable type of braces for you. Your orthodontist will tell you the different braces and the risks involved, and then you can ask questions about your treatment.

  • Clinical expertise

During in-practice teeth straightening, you will have a one-on-one consultation with an experienced orthodontist and regular appointments.

  • Wide range of options

Different types of in-practice teeth straightening options are available, so you have a wide range of treatment options to make a choice.

What are the benefits of at-home teeth straightening?

There are two main benefits of straightening your teeth at home.

  • Convenience

With at-home teeth straightening, you do not need to create a time to visit the orthodontist for a consultation and subsequent appointments. You can take the mould of your teeth at home and get your braces by post.

  • Cost

There are no ongoing consultations with the orthodontist, so the cost of teeth straightening at home is less.

Who can perform legal teeth straightening and how are home teeth straightening kits regulated?

An orthodontist or dentist registered with the General Dental Council can perform in-practice teeth straightening.  In the UK, the British Orthodontic Society regulates home teeth straightening kits.

Will the result of at-home teeth straightening last?

If you do not have an effective teeth retention program, your teeth will gradually move back to their previous position after at-home teeth straightening treatment.

What should I do if my at-home teeth straightening treatment does not work?

If your at-home teeth straightening kit does not work, you should find out who is responsible for fixing such issues and contact them. Your orthodontist or dentist will be responsible for fixing the issue if your in-practice teeth straightening does not give you the result you desire.

If you want to straighten your teeth in a dental clinic using Invisalign, you can contact a trusted Invisalign provider in London.

Marisa Lascala

Marisa Lascala is a admin of https://meregate.com/. She is a blogger, writer, managing director, and SEO executive. She loves to express her ideas and thoughts through her writings. She loves to get engaged with the readers who are seeking informative content on various niches over the internet. meregateofficial@gmail.com