Exercising the right way as you age

Exercising the right way as you age

A healthy diet and regular exercise are the keys to a long and prosperous life. We all understand that principle. But, the effectiveness of exercise changes as our bodies age, and trying to maintain the same level of physical activity is extremely difficult in the latter years of life. That is why it is crucial to understand how to exercise the right way as you age to get the most out of your body without going overboard.

This can be difficult, particularly for fitness lovers who have spent years working on their bodies. The adjustment to slowing down a little and responding to the changing needs of their body can cause frustration. The following tips can be helpful for anyone who wants to exercise as they grow older, and do so safely.

Adjust to your changing physical limits

You may have run a marathon in the past, but your body’s changes likely mean you no longer have the capacity to do so. While it will be tough, lower your expectations for what your body is capable of. In order to be physically healthy at an advanced age, the same types of exercise are not necessary anymore. Sure, there are instances of elderly individuals with amazing athletic accomplishments, but those are very rare and do not reflect the experience of most individuals. It could be a good idea to talk to your doctor about how to exercise in a healthy way for your body, and how to adjust the level of difficulty or intensity to suit the changes that are happening.

Be more attentive to injuries

With the more delicate nature of your body, you will be much more prone to injury. There are some great tips to help you avoid injuries while exercising, such as starting slowly, warming up, and being more aware of any pains that you feel. When you were younger, your body was better equipped to heal quickly from potential injuries. Now that you are older, recovery becomes a much longer process, and may be more difficult as well. Don’t ignore any pain that you experience during or after an activity. Though exerting yourself will help you remain healthy for longer, your limits have changed and you need to be more cautious about the possibility of injury, so avoid pushing too hard.

Avoid intense weightlifting and long-distance running

To an extent, lifting weights can be a great method for maintaining physical strength. But your muscles are not as durable as they used to be, and pushing yourself with activities like a deadlift or bench press may no longer be safe. Additionally, the heart is a muscle that naturally weakens in old age, and pushing it to the limit with long distance aerobic exercises can be dangerous. Once again, your body’s limits are changing, and you need to adjust your workout routine to best fit what your body is going through. Here are some other exercises to avoid as you age.

Frequency matters more than intensity

In the later years of life, exercising often is more important than exercising intensely. The longer that you can remain active, the better off your health will be and the more likely you can retain a level of independence. Many experts agree that physical activity as a senior is more beneficial than physical activity as a younger person because of the natural decay of the body. Continuously exercising will hold off some of the common issues that many elderly will face. Plus, it can help you avoid living in a long-term care facility like a nursing home. While most nursing home experiences are positive, there are instances of neglect or abuse that lead to families having to contact elder abuse attorneys. If exercising often can prolong your independence, then you can continue enjoying a healthy life at home.

Get in touch with an expert

Knowing is half the battle, right? So when you are unsure of your body’s new limits or are unaware of the best exercises to do as you get older, ask someone who can answer those questions. Talk to your doctor about the condition of your body and ask them to make recommendations for types of physical activities to engage in. Additionally, there are plenty of fitness trainers out there who specialize in helping the elderly find effective exercises that will help them fight off diseases and live longer, happier lives.

Just remember that whatever your fitness habits have been, they will likely have to change. If you have not been exercising in your younger years, you should really consider starting today to maintain your independence for as long as possible. If you have been a fitness fiend for decades, it is time to tone it down. Listen to your body, be attentive to its changing needs, and get started on a healthy future.

Marisa Lascala

Marisa Lascala is a admin of https://meregate.com/. She is a blogger, writer, managing director, and SEO executive. She loves to express her ideas and thoughts through her writings. She loves to get engaged with the readers who are seeking informative content on various niches over the internet. meregateofficial@gmail.com