The majority of Americans have faced the pest issue in their homes. Around $5 billion are spent to overcome the losses created by termites only.

We all have seen bugs, rodents and other pests in our house. Though, the presence of pests varies from area to areas.

See the following illustration, which reflects the presence of bugs in different regions of the country.

Ignoring these pets can create serious damage to your house. They can even get life-threatening for your family members.

Fumigation is the extreme step. See the following steps that can be taken to keep pets out of the house.

1.   Shed Plants Surrounding your House

Trim all the plants and shrubbery in your garden that touch your home from any side. The branches touching your house serve as a green bridge for the pests to penetrate the house.

Similarly, munch serves as a hiding place for pets. Remove any munch that is touching your home’s foundation.

Replace them with clear stones or solid material. This will eliminate any pests’ development in the foundation of your house.

2.   Fill Cracks and Gaps

There are many other subtle cracks and openings rather than doors and windows. Do a thorough survey of your house’s exterior.

Identify cracks, gaps, or crevices by which pest can enter. Also, check the loose sidings, foundation cracks, utility lines, electricity and cable lines.

Fill these gaps with steel and copper wool. Does not use caulk, as many pests can chew it and consider it an attractive meal.

3.   Seal Doors and Windows

Windows and gates are the major crawl ways for pests. Any space or crack in the doors and windows is an invitation for the pests.

Fix the doors and windows that do not fit well. Repair any breakage or gap in the screens. Use screen mesh of 200 holes per square inch to secure your house from pests.

If you do not want to change the hold screen, sew the damaged part of the screen with steel wire.

4.   Clear Recyclable Bin

Recyclable is also similar to the normal waste material of the home. It may contain food particles and leftovers. Therefore, it is suggested to put a tight lid over the bin.

Some municipal corporations provide bin without the cover. If this is the case, remove any food residue from the bin before placing it outside the house.

Make sure that your bin is not placed inside the house or in the garage.

5.   Clean all Drains and Drying Vent

Drains of sinks and floors contain debris and gunk. These elements attract pests and provide the best breeding ground for them.

Make sure to clean all the drains in your home. A mixture of baking soda and vinegar is the best cleaning agent for this.

Don’t forget to clean the dryer vent. Inspect the dryer vent’s seal and functioning; if it’s broken, change it at first.

6.   Cleanliness is the Key

A clean home is least attractive to the pests. Regular mopping, vacuuming, and dusting your home will disrupt any ideal place pests consider making their home.

It also supports clearing any food residue or particles left by your pet or toddlers. These smaller food particles are the biggest attraction to pests. Regular cleaning also identifies any potential spot of pest entrance, and it also reflects the areas of your house which requires maintenance.

Regularize your cleaning habits. Divide your household items into groups as per the time interval required for their cleaning. See the following illustration in which households are divided as per the cleanliness they require.

7.   Use Seal Containers to Store Food

Open food containers are the invitation to pests. Mammal pests like rodents have higher smelling abilities and can smell food from far places.

Store foods in airtight and sealed containers; do not leave food open in the air or the box. Clean your pantry every month, and do not leave any crack open in your pantry. This is the place where rodents enter the pantry.

It is suggested to put some herbs in the pantry that creates a pungent smell to pests and scare them away. Remember not to use any pesticide when the pantry is filled with food items.

8.   Dry the Damp Areas

Not all pests are in search of food. Many of them require shade and damp places for their breeding. The majority of home penetrating insects like; centipedes, springtails, and silverfish came to hang out in amp places.

Assure that all the damp places of your house are dehumidified, especially the basement and washing areas. Fix any vent, pipe or dryers that are leaking and depositing water in a place.

Clean all the water fountains or any place that stores water in your garden. Don’t forget to include the attic in the list like students include assignment writers UK.

9.   Place a Bug Barrier

Creating a bug barrier is not a difficult task. The first line of defense from the pests is the screens.

Extracted from the papers of cheap essay writing service UK, You should place a screen on the surrounding of your house, in the open spaces like the terrace and entrance area. Place additional screen doors on the main entrance and garden area.

The second line of defense is covering all the open spaces that directly lead in the house. Cover your chimney openings by using metal covers.

Some Natural Ways to Keep Pests Away

Several natural elements work as pests repellants. The basic advantage of using these elements is that they are natural and do not negatively impacts the residents.

You can use citrus fruit peel as a natural cleaning agent to repel insects. Rub the peel on the problem areas or the cracks. It is also a natural polish for wood furniture.

White vinegar is most useful in eliminating ants and other crawling insects. They can also be used for cleaning clogs and damp places. Their cleaning effect makes them multi-purpose.

Growing herbs and using cinnamon creates a strong, pungent smell that repels insects. They are best to place near the entrance.

Summing it up

Pests are living beings like us. They are a major part of the food web and food cycle. Therefore, killing them can be cruel. It’s better to apply safety precautions that avoid their entrance. And if they enter, repel them by using natural remedies.

I hope the remedies and precautions that I have mentioned above will repel insects from your house.

Marisa Lascala

Marisa Lascala is a admin of She is a blogger, writer, managing director, and SEO executive. She loves to express her ideas and thoughts through her writings. She loves to get engaged with the readers who are seeking informative content on various niches over the internet.