How to Make Your Insurance Company Pay up When They’re Stalling

How to Make Your Insurance Company Pay up When They’re Stalling

If you’ve had damage to your home you can always depend on your insurance company to help you.

If you’ve got a home insurance claim, the money to help you fix your home won’t be too far behind.

Or will it? While you should never dismiss buying homeowners insurance, there are cases when your insurance adjuster may take too long to pay you.

In many cases, the insurance company is taking too long on purpose!

Here’s what to do if insurance company is stalling:

Learn the Stalling Procedures

While the company might be stalling and violating their rules, there are cases where they’re well within their right to stall. You want to understand these nuances before contacting them or a lawyer.

First, the insurance adjuster has to stall for the purposes of due diligence. They’ll need to check whether you qualify for the insurance claim or not.

For example, if you’re requesting a home insurance claim because your house was damaged due to a hurricane, they’ll request photographs of the damage. In some cases, an inspector will visit your house to view the damage.

In such a scenario, you have to be patient and work according to the insurance adjuster’s schedule. They might continue to ask you for more evidence and additional documentation.

There are also cases where the insurance adjuster is too busy to handle your case immediately because they have many other insurance claims. In such a scenario, they should inform you of this.

Statute of Limitations

One major factor you have to look out for is the statute of limitations which will vary by your state.

If your home insurance claim passes the statute of limitations then you’ll no longer be able to receive your monies. Make sure that the insurance adjuster isn’t stalling to pass this date.

Speak to a Lawyer

The final step is to speak to a lawyer about your situation. You need to provide them with as much detail as possible regarding your home insurance claim.

You’ll want to provide them with the date range when you should’ve received your insurance money. They’ll then advise you on whether you need to follow-up with the insurance adjuster or move forward with a lawsuit.

You can check them out to see how they can help you in a variety of cases including receiving your insurance claim on time.

That’s What to Do If Insurance Company Is Stalling

Now you know what to do if insurance company is stalling and you aren’t receiving your home insurance claim on time.

You want to first understand their stalling policy. Stalling might be necessary for them to check if you qualify for the insurance money. Make sure they also specify if they are busy and by when you should receive a response.

Ensure that they aren’t trying to stall to reach the statute of limitations. Have a lawyer to assist you in case you need to bring a lawsuit against the insurance adjuster.

You can find more legal articles on our website.

Marisa Lascala

Marisa Lascala is a admin of She is a blogger, writer, managing director, and SEO executive. She loves to express her ideas and thoughts through her writings. She loves to get engaged with the readers who are seeking informative content on various niches over the internet.