The Best Way to Gain Muscle Fast

According to an American Journal of Preventive Medicine study, only about 30% of Americans take part in weight training on a regular basis. As a result, the vast majority of people in this country struggle when it comes to gaining muscle.
If you fall into this category and you want to begin building muscle fast, starting up a weight training routine will be the key to doing it. Building muscle shouldn’t be too difficult to do as long as you take your weight training sessions seriously since it’s the best way to gain muscle.
You shouldn’t just assume that throwing around some weights in the gym will lead to muscle building, though. You’re going to need to follow some specific steps to experience the kind of muscle gain you’re looking for.
We’ve created a guide on building muscle that should work wonders for your physique. Check it out below.
Start by Coming Up With Muscle Gain Goals for Yourself
Before you actually start trying to build muscle, it’s going to be important for you to sit down and come up with some muscle gain goals for yourself. You should give some thought to what you would like your goals to be and then write them down on a piece of paper and hang them up somewhere that you know you’ll see them all the time.
It doesn’t matter if your ultimate goal is to tone up your muscles just a little bit or to turn yourself into the next great professional bodybuilder. Whatever the case may be, your goals are going to keep you on the right path as you set out to build muscle.
Begin Taking in More Protein Than You Are Now
Once you have some muscle gain goals written down, the next thing you’re going to want to do is to begin taking in as much protein as you can each day. Increasing the amount of protein that you’re putting into your body is, hands down, the best way to gain muscle.
Your body is going to need all the protein that it can get. So you should learn about all the different foods that have high levels of protein in them. We’re talking about foods like:
- Eggs
- Chicken breasts
- Greek yogurt
- Lean beef
- Peanut butter
- Fish
You should also make it a point to work some protein shakes into the mix throughout each day. More specifically, you should try to take in protein shakes before and possibly even after your workouts so that you can bombard your system with the protein it needs.
Try to Get Into the Habit of Eating More Each Day
To build muscle, you’re going to need to eat more than just the usual three meals each day. You will, of course, need to eat breakfast, lunch, and dinner, but you’ll also have to squeeze in a few extra meals to give your body all the nutrients and calories that it needs.
Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson is known to eat up to seven meals per day in an attempt to continue to pack muscle onto his already bulky frame. You might not fantasize about looking anything like The Rock, even in your wildest dreams. But you should still take a page right out of his playbook and eat as many meals as you can each day while building muscle.
Consider Incorporating Muscle-Building Supplements Into Your Diet
You can technically build muscle without using any of the muscle-building supplements that are available out there in the world. But some of these supplements can make it easier than it would be otherwise for you to gain muscle mass.
Take SARMs, for example. They’re a very effective supplement for all those people who are trying to add as much muscle as they can to their frames. You might want to look into using SARMs—or selective androgen receptor modulators—if you aren’t doing it already.
You can buy SARMs right online and begin putting them to good use so that you can build muscle fast. You might be surprised to see the kinds of results that you’re able to get after taking SARMs for a relatively short period of time.
Train Heavy When You’re in the Gym
Up until this point, we’ve focused mainly on what you’re going to be putting into your body as you try to gain muscle. We’ve done it because, truth be told, you could argue that what you put into your body is more important than how hard you work your body out when it comes to building muscle.
But you will obviously need to get yourself into the gym if gaining muscle is your goal. And while you’re there, you’ll need to train heavy to get the results that you’re chasing.
Training heavy will mean lifting heavier weights while doing fewer repetitions. This is going to take a toll on your muscles and push them past the point of exhaustion every time you work out.
Lifting lighter weights for more repetitions is going to give your muscles the tone that you may be looking for. But it isn’t going to lead to veins popping out of your muscles as they grow bigger. You’ll need to start lifting more weights if you want to see that happen.
Aim to Wear Out Your Muscles While You’re Lifting Weights
The good news for those who will be lifting weights and trying to gain muscle is that you aren’t going to have to spend hours on end in the gym to see results. You should be able to get away with doing workouts that last for no longer than an hour when you’re aiming to build muscle.
But from the second that you set foot in your gym, you should be focused on making the most of every single set that you do. You’ll need to keep yourself motivated and put your all into each set so that you’re able to wear your muscles out.
You can keep your motivation levels up by:
- Listening to energetic music
- Working out with someone else
- Reminding yourself of your goals during every workout
But whatever you do, don’t ever step into your gym and half-ass it. If you aren’t walking out of the gym exhausted, you’re not going to be doing your muscles any favors.
Give Your Body the Breaks It Needs in Between Workouts
In between your workouts, you’re typically going to feel very sore. This is what happens when you push your muscles beyond what they’re normally capable of.
Far too often, people will try to push past their soreness and get back into the gym to work out more. You will need to do this every now and then, but generally speaking, you should make it your mission to give your body plenty of breaks in between workouts.
You should really only have to work out a few times a week to build muscle. If you’re working out any more than that, you might actually be doing your body more harm than good.
You aren’t going to be giving your muscles the time that they need to recover from your previous workouts. You might feel a little lazy taking days off from the gym. But you should remind yourself that, even when you aren’t working out, your body is going to be working behind the scenes to beef up your frame.
Make Sure You’re Getting More Than Enough Sleep at Night
Over the years, studies have shown that many Americans don’t get as much sleep as they should. About one-third of Americans are sleep-deprived to some degree.
If you aren’t getting enough sleep each night, you’re going to be fighting an uphill battle to gain muscle. Your lack of sleep is going to prevent your body from being able to recover as quickly as it should.
You’re also going to find that not sleeping enough will start to affect your workouts before long. You might not have enough energy to lift as much weight as you can when you get into the gym.
At first, it might not be easy for you to commit to sleeping more than you are now. But you should try it for a month or so and see how much better you feel overall. It’ll make you a much bigger believer in the power of sleep.
Switch Up Your Workout Routines Early and Often
When you’re first lifting weights to try and build muscle, you’re going to find that almost any workout will do the trick for you. As long as you’re pushing your muscles past the point of fatigue, you should experience the kind of muscle growth you’re trying to achieve.
But as time goes on, it isn’t uncommon at all for those who lift weights to plateau. They will find that the workouts that used to work for them no longer provide them with the best results.
For this reason, it’s going to be imperative that you switch up your workout routines every so often. By doing this, you’ll be able to catch your muscles off-guard during your workouts and keep them guessing.
You’ll have a much easier time getting in great workouts when you’re constantly changing the workouts that you’re doing. Here are just a few of the best workouts that you should try when you want to gain muscle fast. Cycling through them over the course of a year might be your best bet.
Set New Muscle-Building Goals for Yourself All the Time
Remember those muscle gain goals that we told you you should set for yourself back at the beginning of this article? You should begin to achieve some of those goals within the first few weeks of working out. It’ll feel so good to do it.
But you should make sure that those aren’t the only goals that you come up with for yourself. You should also continue to set new goals as you meet your old ones to keep yourself motivated.
This is actually when weightlifting is going to begin to get fun for you. Many people will get obsessed with the idea of reaching their muscle-building goals and then setting new goals that they can chase.
You should try not to let your goals consume you and affect other areas of your life. But at the same time, you should lean on your goals as a source of motivation and use them for inspiration when you don’t necessarily feel like working out.
You should also use the fact that you’re reaching your goals as proof that your push to build muscle is working. You’ll get so much satisfaction out of seeing the gains that you’re able to make in the gym when you’re always hitting your goals and creating new ones for yourself.
Using These Tips Is the Best Way to Gain Muscle
Building muscle isn’t something that you’ll be able to do overnight. It’s going to take you at least a few weeks to start to see your muscles get bigger and more toned.
But you shouldn’t let this frustrate you. Instead, you should remind yourself that you know the best way to gain muscle. You should utilize all the tips found here to propel yourself forward and reach the goals that you have set for yourself.
Do you want to secure some more useful health and fitness tips that can help you with gaining muscle? Look for them in the other blog articles that we’ve published.