Understanding Peace Bond

Understanding Peace Bond

A person might be experiencing harm, blackmail, or disturbance from another person who is trying to ruin their life. The disturbance may also include trying to get them into criminal activity, constantly stalking them, or even being aggressive to them for no reason at all. 

In such cases, the victim can request a peace bond via professional help from a criminal defence lawyer Vancouver where the court will order the defendant not to perform a certain activity without any criminal charges. Hence, the petitioner and the defendant can come to peace terms.

What is a Peace Bond?

A peace bond is a special order given by the court under the request of a petitioner who has been disturbed by the defendant. The order prohibits the defendant from performing any actions against the petitioner. Although a peace bond is placed on the defendant, it does not mean that the defendant has been convicted of a criminal offense or abuse. 

Still, the defendant is expected to obey the law and not create any violence. If the defendant tries to violate the bond, then he can be sentenced with certain charges that might result in severe penalties and consequences that the defendant has to go through.  

Although you might have requested for a peace bond, the court will decide if the defendant deserves the peace bond or not based on certain conditions, so it is not promised for the petitioner that the peace bond will be ordered. A robust defense can support the case, though.

Refusing a peace bond

Additionally, the violation of the peace bond can be mentioned on the defendant’s criminal record. If the defendant refuses to sign on the peace bond requested by the petitioner, the court may proceed with other ways to hold the defendant for their actions. 

A peace bond is a mutual agreement between the petitioner and the defendant under the court’s witness if the petitioner feels that the defendant does not want to be convicted with severe criminal charges. Usually, a separated partner from divorce might go for the legal option of a peace bond if they are dealing with disturbance from their ex-partner. 

Therefore, the court cannot take a peace bond case lethargically, and the petitioner will get the legal help they deserve. Hence, getting in touch with an attorney before going directly to the court about the peace bond requisition is essential since the attorney will provide clarity on how the legal procedure works and the standard protocol to follow.

Marisa Lascala

Marisa Lascala is a admin of https://meregate.com/. She is a blogger, writer, managing director, and SEO executive. She loves to express her ideas and thoughts through her writings. She loves to get engaged with the readers who are seeking informative content on various niches over the internet. meregateofficial@gmail.com