Understanding the Cocaine Recovery Process: A Guide

Understanding the Cocaine Recovery Process: A Guide

Recent data shows that the use—and furthermore the misuse—of cocaine in the US is all too prevalent. In fact, one survey found that cocaine was involved in over one-third of all drug abuse-related emergency department visits. It’s an addictive substance that can and has damaged the lives of many.

If you or a loved one was or is using cocaine, and are looking for help, then this guide will tell you everything you need to know. The cocaine recovery process isn’t always easy, but making a full rehabilitation is possible—with the right tools. Read on to learn more about the steps you can take toward cocaine recovery.

Admitting and Understanding

The first step to take toward recovery is admitting you have a problem. If you or your loved one is seeking treatment, it’s likely that you’ve already taken this step. The second step is to acknowledge and understand that cocaine addiction (and addiction to any drug) is a complicated disease.

It can happen for a number of different reasons. Family history, society, home environment, and biology are all factors that can increase a person’s risk of developing an addiction. A person seeking treatment (and the treatment facility they are attending) must understand this in order for recovery to begin and be effective.

Treatment Options

There is currently no medication available to treat cocaine addiction that is FDA approved. For this reason, interventions for cocaine users are usually of a behavioral nature. These can include things such as Contingency Management Therapy and Cognitive Behavioral Therapy.

These types of therapies can be done on either an in-patient or an out-patient basis, depending on the facility you choose and your own personal needs. Those who choose to undergo their rehabilitation in a therapeutic setting generally find the process easier.

Detoxing from Cocaine

Cocaine detox can be a tough and even traumatic experience. It is tough both on a mental and physical level for those experiencing it. For this reason, it is often suggested that patients detox within a drug rehab center—such as Hope Rising Recovery—so they have access to the supports they need.

Detoxing fully from cocaine can take anywhere from one day to several weeks. For most people, the process will last a few days.

Patients most often feel the first signs of a cocaine crash a few hours after last use. Symptoms can include depression, irritability, anxiety, cravings, and exhaustion.

A cocaine crash can last up to a week. Weeks 1-4 are when withdrawal symptoms generally begin. After week four is the beginning of what is known as the recovery phase.

Cocaine Recovery: It Is Possible

Cocaine recovery is rarely easy, but it’s something that’s achievable particularly when the right supports are in place. If you’d like to learn more, contact a medical professional or your local rehab facility today. If you’re looking for more health and medical tips, see the rest of our content now.

Marisa Lascala

Marisa Lascala is a admin of https://meregate.com/. She is a blogger, writer, managing director, and SEO executive. She loves to express her ideas and thoughts through her writings. She loves to get engaged with the readers who are seeking informative content on various niches over the internet. meregateofficial@gmail.com