What to Expect From Your Rhinoplasty Recovery and 5 Healing Tips

What to Expect From Your Rhinoplasty Recovery and 5 Healing Tips

Are you considering Rhinoplasty surgery, but you’re worried about the recovery and healing process?

According to the American Society of Plastic Surgeons, nearly 220,000 Rhinoplasties are performed every year, making it the most common plastic surgery procedure.

Fortunately, it’s also one of the safest plastic surgeries. Although there are potential complications, most people make a full recovery within a matter of days.

Today we’re going to discuss what you can expect post-surgery, and five critical tips that’ll ensure your Rhinoplasty recovery goes as smoothly as possible!

Rhinoplasty Recovery Time

The recovery time for Rhinoplasty surgery varies from patient to patient. However, the typical recovery time is about two weeks post-surgery. By this point, you’ll have a good idea of how your new nose is going to look!

Rhinoplasty Recovery Timeline

To give you a better idea of the recovery process, here’s a general timeline of the healing process:

Day 1: Day one may be hard to remember as you’ll be placed under general anesthesia. You’ll also be given pain medication, such as Hydrocodone, Oxycodone, or Tramadol. You’ll be bandaged in a nasal splint and may have packing within the nasal cavity.

Days 2-3: This is generally the toughest part of the healing process. You will experience low levels of pain (usually a three or four on a scale from one to ten). The pain is typically described as pressure rather than sharp pain.

Days 4-7: At this point, you’ll likely have some bruising and low levels of pain. Around day seven is when your splint and stitches will be removed. You should still take it easy during these days and limit time outside.

Days 8-14: By day ten, you should no longer have any bruising. You should also no longer require nasal care. Most plastic surgeons recommend waiting a full two weeks before returning to work. However, many people are able to return to work after ten days.

Top 5 Rhinoplasty Recovery Tips

Below are some of the most important tips to keep in mind during the healing process. These tips will quicken the healing process and ensure the best possible outcome from your surgery.

  1. Take Time off Work

It’s important to take some time off work after your surgery. This is especially important if your job requires physical labor. Strenuous physical activity will only complicate the healing process. Most doctors advise taking at least two weeks off from work.

  1. Don’t Stay in Bed All Day

Many people assume they need to be bedridden during the first week after surgery. However, you should get moving after the first day. Many people choose to work from home during the healing process. Others can do light exercise, such as cleaning the house.

  1. Avoid Blowing Your Nose

Many people are tempted to blow their noses because of bleeding or snot buildup. However, you should avoid blowing your nose for at least ten days post-surgery. Otherwise, you may cause additional bleeding and swelling – slowing the healing process.

  1. Eat Pineapple

Certain foods can reduce swelling and assist in the healing process. Fruits such as Pineapple and Papaya are rich in papain, an enzyme that helps reduce swelling and bruising. Many people choose to make smoothies using these fruits.

  1. Clean The Outside of Your Nose

Your doctor will provide you with certain medication and ointments to aid in the healing process. Be sure to follow your doctor’s post-operative instructions. Also, don’t be afraid to reach out to your doctor if any issues arise while caring for your nose.

What to Expect After Rhinoplasty Surgery

Rhinoplasty surgery may seem intimidating, especially for those that have never had surgery.

However, you’ll be relieved to know that almost all plastic surgeons have completed Rhinoplasty surgeries numerous times.

It’s important to follow certain tips to ensure you have the best possible rhinoplasty recovery. Some of these tips include taking time off from work, getting light exercise, avoiding blowing your nose, eating foods that are high in papain, and cleaning the outside of your nose.

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Marisa Lascala

Marisa Lascala is a admin of https://meregate.com/. She is a blogger, writer, managing director, and SEO executive. She loves to express her ideas and thoughts through her writings. She loves to get engaged with the readers who are seeking informative content on various niches over the internet. meregateofficial@gmail.com